'Sacajawea'并不是一个国家的语言,而是一个美国印第安人的名字。这个名字常被翻译为“鸟女”或“鸟之女”。Sacajawea是印第安部落中的夏延族(Shoshone)人,她参加了美国探险家刘易斯与克拉克(Lewis and Clark)的西部探险之旅,并且在旅途中为探险队担任向南夏延族人的翻译。她的勇敢和智慧使得她成为美国历史上的重要人物之一。
1. Sacajawea was a valued member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.(Sacajawea是刘易斯克拉克探险队的重要成员。)
2. Many Americans know about Sacajawea and her contributions to American history.(许多美国人对Sacajawea以及她对美国历史的贡献有所了解。)
3. Sacajawea's bravery and intelligence have inspired people for generations.(Sacajawea的勇敢和智慧已经激励了几代人。)
4. Sacajawea is often depicted in artwork and literature as a symbol of strength and perseverance.(Sacajawea经常在艺术作品和文学作品中被描绘成力量和毅力的象征。)
5. The Sacajawea dollar coin was introduced in the United States in 2000.(Sacajawea纪念美元硬币于xx年在美国发行。)
6. Sacajawea was born in the late 18th century in what is now Idaho.(Sacajawea出生于18世纪末期的现在的爱达荷州。)
7. Some historians believe that Sacajawea's contributions to the Lewis and Clark Expedition were downplayed by the male explorers.(一些历史学家认为,探险队的男性成员对Sacajawea在探险中的贡献进行了贬低。)
8. The story of Sacajawea has been told and retold in countless books, movies, and TV shows.(Sacajawea的故事在无数的书籍、电影和电视节目中被讲述和重新讲述。)
9. Many schools in the United States teach about Sacajawea as part of their social studies curriculum.(美国许多学校在社会研究课程中教授Sacajawea的相关内容。)