Hamfast Gamyi是什么意思 Hamfast Gamyi的读音、翻译、用法

Hamfast Gamyi是什么意思 Hamfast Gamyi的读音、翻译、用法

'Hamfast Gamyi'是英语中的名字,汉语翻译为“汉福斯特·甘米”,它是托尔金所创造的中土大陆上的一个霍比特人角色的名字。Hamfast Gamyi是霍比特人中的一名普通村民,他是一个花园工人,在霍比特人社区中担任着重要角色。他是霍比特人主角弗罗多的父亲,同时也是其朋友梅里和皮平的好友。

以下是9个含有'Hamfast Gamyi'的例句:

1. Hamfast Gamyi 去年在霍比特人社区中种了很多好菜。

(Hamfast Gamyi planted a lot of good vegetables in the Hobbit community last year.)

2. 梅里和皮平在 Hamfast Gamyi 的花园里度过了一个愉快的下午。

(Merry and Pippin spent a pleasant afternoon in Hamfast Gamyi's garden.)

3. 霍比特人社区的居民们都喜欢和 Hamfast Gamyi 聊天。

(The residents of the Hobbit community all like to chat with Hamfast Gamyi.)

4. Hamfast Gamyi 很会修剪树枝,他的柿子树看起来非常漂亮。

(Hamfast Gamyi is very good at pruning branches, and his persimmon tree looks very beautiful.)

5. Hamfast Gamyi 是霍比特人社区的花园大师,他的花园里有各种各样的植物。

(Hamfast Gamyi is the garden master of the Hobbit community, and his garden has all kinds of plants.)

6. Hamfast Gamyi 的儿子弗罗多继承了他的花园技能,也成为了一名出色的园艺家。

(Hamfast Gamyi's son Frodo inherited his gardening skills and became an excellent gardener.)

7. Hamfast Gamyi 喜欢给弗罗多讲故事,并且他非常喜欢听弗罗多的冒险经历。

(Hamfast Gamyi likes to tell stories to Frodo, and he enjoys listening to Frodo's adventure experiences.)

8. 梅里和皮平常常会在 Hamfast Gamyi 的花园里悠闲地度过一个下午。

(Merry and Pippin often spend a leisurely afternoon in Hamfast Gamyi's garden.)

9. Hamfast Gamyi 的妻子贝拉是一位优秀的厨师,她的蛋糕非常好吃。

(Hamfast Gamyi's wife Bella is an excellent cook, and her cakes are very delicious.)

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