A-League是什么意思 A-League的读音、翻译、用法

A-League是什么意思 A-League的读音、翻译、用法



1. The 2022/23 A-League season is set to begin in October next year. (2022/23赛季A联赛将于明年xx月开始。)

2. Melbourne City FC has won the A-League grand final for the first time in their history. (墨尔本城足球俱乐部历史上第一次赢得A联赛总决赛。)

3. A-League clubs have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, with reduced crowds and revenue. (A联赛俱乐部受到新冠病毒大流行的严重打击,观众和收入都有所减少。)

4. The A-League is expanding with the addition of two new teams next season. (A联赛将在下个赛季增加两支新球队。)

5. Western United FC is a relatively new team in the A-League, having only been established in 2018. (西部联足球俱乐部是A联赛相对较新的球队,仅于xx年成立。)

6. Some of the best players in the A-League have gone on to play for national teams and in overseas leagues. (一些A联赛中最好的球员已经参加了各国家队比赛和海外联赛。)

7. Sydney FC is one of the most successful teams in A-League history, having won five championships. (悉尼FC是A联赛历史上最成功的球队之一,赢得了五个冠军。)

8. A-League games are broadcasted live on TV and online, allowing fans to watch matches from anywhere. (A联赛比赛可以在电视和网上直播,让球迷可以在任何地方观看比赛。)

9. The A-League is contributing to the growth and development of football in Australia, and helping to raise the level of the sport. (A联赛对澳大利亚足球的增长和发展做出了贡献,并帮助提高了这项运动的水平。)

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