'Montgomery Scott'是英国的词语,翻译为蒙哥马利·斯科特,是《星际迷航》中的一个角色,是U.S.S. Enterprise号的首席工程师,擅长在船舶上进行各种维修和改造工作。
1. Montgomery Scott was one of the most important characters in Star Trek.(蒙哥马利·斯科特是《星际迷航》中最重要的角色之一。)
2. Scotty, beam us up! (斯科蒂,传送我们!)
3. Montgomery Scott was known for his technical expertise and his ability to solve any problem.(蒙哥马利·斯科特以其技术专业知识和解决问题的能力而闻名。)
4. Scotty, we need more power!(斯科蒂,我们需要更多的能量!)
5. Montgomery Scott was one of the most beloved characters on Star Trek.(蒙哥马利·斯科特是《星际迷航》中最受喜爱的角色之一。)
6. Scotty, can you fix the warp drive?(斯科蒂,你能修好超光速引擎吗?)
7. Montgomery Scott was always ready to help his crewmates, no matter what the situation.(蒙哥马利·斯科特总是随时准备帮助他的船员,无论情况如何。)
8. Scotty, can you make the phasers more powerful?(斯科蒂,你能让相位炮更加强大吗?)
9. Montgomery Scott was a key member of the Enterprise crew, and his skills and expertise were crucial to the ship's success.(蒙哥马利·斯科特是企业号船员中的关键成员,他的技能和专业知识对飞船的成功至关重要。)