1. This product has passed CE-50 certification, which means it meets the safety and environmental standards required by the European Union.(这一产品已通过CE标准认证,表明它符合欧盟的安全与环保标准。)
2. Before you purchase an electronic device, make sure it has obtained CE-50 certification. (在购买电子设备前,一定要确认它已通过CE标准认证。)
3. By passing CE-50 certification, this product has gained a competitive edge in the European market. (通过CE-50认证,这一产品在欧洲市场上获得了竞争优势。)
4. The manufacturer must ensure that the product meets the requirements of CE-50 certification before selling it to the European market. (制造商必须确保产品符合CE标准认证的要求,才可以在欧洲市场上销售。)
5. This product does not have CE-50 certification, so it is not recommended for use in the European Union. (这一产品没有CE标准认证,因此不建议在欧盟境内使用。)
6. CE-50 certification ensures that the product is safe and will not cause harm to the environment. (CE标准认证确保产品安全,不会对环境造成伤害。)
7. The CE-50 mark on the product packaging indicates that it has passed the certification process. (产品包装上的CE标准认证标志表明它已通过认证程序。)
8. Manufacturers must follow strict guidelines to ensure that their products meet the requirements of CE-50 certification. (制造商必须遵循严格的指导方针,以确保其产品符合CE标准认证的要求。)
9. The CE-50 certificate must be renewed periodically to ensure that the product continues to meet the standards. (必须定期更新CE标准认证证书,以确保产品继续符合该标准。)