'Aleurodicus dispersus'是拉丁语,是一种真菌性虫源性白粉虱的学名。这种白粉虱是一种房屋害虫,常常在温暖潮湿的气候下滋生繁殖,对居住环境和农业生产造成了重大威胁。
以下是9个含有'Aleurodicus dispersus'的例句:
1. Aleurodicus dispersus can pose a serious threat to the production of fruits and vegetables. (Aleurodicus dispersus对水果和蔬菜的生产构成严重威胁。)
2. The infestation of Aleurodicus dispersus has caused significant damage to the leaves of the plants. (Aleurodicus dispersus的入侵已经对植物的叶子造成了重大损害。)
3. The use of insecticides is an effective way to control Aleurodicus dispersus. (使用杀虫剂是控制Aleurodicus dispersus的有效方法。)
4. The spread of Aleurodicus dispersus has been attributed to global warming. (Aleurodicus dispersus的扩散被归因于全球变暖。)
5. The government has launched a campaign to raise public awareness about the threat posed by Aleurodicus dispersus. (政府已经发起了一项运动,以提高公众对Aleurodicus dispersus威胁的认识。)
6. Research has shown that Aleurodicus dispersus is more prevalent in humid regions. (研究表明,Aleurodicus dispersus在潮湿的地区更为普遍。)
7. The eradication of Aleurodicus dispersus requires a coordinated effort among different stakeholders. (消灭Aleurodicus dispersus需要不同利益相关者之间的协调努力。)
8. Farmers have been advised to take preventive measures to avoid the infestation of Aleurodicus dispersus. (农民已被建议采取预防措施,以避免Aleurodicus dispersus的入侵。)
9. The damage caused by Aleurodicus dispersus can lead to significant economic losses for farmers. (Aleurodicus dispersus造成的损害可能导致农民遭受重大经济损失。)