1. 他花了一个月的时间走了一条从Yarkanda到撒马尔罕的古代丝绸之路。(中文翻译:He spent a month traveling the ancient Silk Road from Yarkanda to Samarkand.)
2. Yarkanda的历史可以追溯到公元前三世纪。(中文翻译:The history of Yarkanda can be traced back to the 3rd century BC.)
3. Yarkanda从公元十二世纪起成为伊斯兰教的中心。(中文翻译: Yarkanda became a center of Islam from the 12th century.)
4. 在过去的几个世纪里,Yarkanda一直是中亚地区交通和贸易的重要枢纽。(中文翻译:For centuries, Yarkanda has been an important hub for transportation and trade in Central Asia.)
5. 这座城市曾经被许多纪录片和小说描述为丝绸之路上最美丽的城市之一,它的Yarkanda地毯是世界闻名的。(中文翻译:This city has been described in many documentaries and novels as one of the most beautiful cities on the Silk Road, and its Yarkanda carpets are world famous.)
6. Yarkanda的人们以烤肉和煮羊肉为食,他们的小吃和糕点也很受欢迎。(中文翻译:The people of Yarkanda eat grilled meat and cooked mutton, and their snacks and pastries are also popular.)
7. Yarkanda的建筑风格融合了伊斯兰教和汉族文化,形成了特有的艺术风格。(中文翻译:The architectural style of Yarkanda blends Islamic and Han culture, forming a unique artistic style.)
8. 在Yarkanda可以看到很多传统的手工艺品,比如绸缎、玻璃、木雕等。(中文翻译:Many traditional handicrafts can be seen in Yarkanda, such as silk, glass, and wood carving.)
9. Yarkanda的景点有很多,比如大善寺、古老的城墙和城门、巨大的干谷和神秘的石窟。(中文翻译:There are many attractions in Yarkanda, such as the Dashan Temple, the ancient city walls and gates, the huge dry valley and the mysterious grottoes.)