'Cordell Hull'这个词语来自于英语,是美国政治家、联邦参议员和国务卿的名字。他是罗斯福政府中的重要人物,被认为是国际贸易政策的主要推手。他曾获得xx年的诺贝尔和平奖。
以下是9个含有'Cordell Hull'的英语例句:
1. Cordell Hull served as the longest-serving Secretary of State in the United States history.
(Cordell Hull曾经作为美国历史上任职时间最长的国务卿)
2. Cordell Hull played a key role in the formation of the United Nations.
(Cordell Hull在联合国的形成中发挥了关键角色)
3. The Cordell Hull Dam is a hydroelectric dam on the Cumberland River in Tennessee.
(Cordell Hull大坝是田纳西州肯伯兰河上的一座水力发电大坝)
4. The Cordell Hull Building is the headquarters of the Tennessee Department of Education.
(Cordell Hull大楼是田纳西州教育部的总部)
5. Cordell Hull was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his contribution to peace and understanding between nations.
(授予Cordell Hull诺贝尔和平奖,以表彰他为国家之间的和平与理解做出的贡献)
6. Cordell Hull was born in Pickett County, Tennessee in 1871.
(Cordell Hull于xx年出生于田纳西州的皮克特县)
7. The Cordell Hull Foundation for International Education is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting international education and understanding.
(Cordell Hull国际教育基金会是致力于促进国际教育和理解的非营利组织)
8. The Cordell Hull Birthplace and Museum State Park is a state park in Tennessee dedicated to the preservation of Hull's birthplace and artifacts.
(Cordell Hull出生地博物馆州立公园是位于田纳西州的一个州立公园,致力于保护Hull的出生地和文物)
9. Cordell Hull's ideas on free trade and open markets were ahead of their time, and continue to influence trade policy to this day.
(Cordell Hull在自由贸易和开放市场方面的思想领先于时代,至今仍在影响贸易政策)