Muggsy Bogues是什么意思 Muggsy Bogues的读音、翻译、用法

Muggsy Bogues是什么意思 Muggsy Bogues的读音、翻译、用法

'Muggsy Bogues'是美国的词语,它是一个人名,翻译成中文即为“马格西·博格斯”。

马格西·博格斯(Muggsy Bogues)是一位退役篮球运动员,身高只有1.60米,但却在NBA(National Basketball Association,美国职业篮球联赛)中表现出色,被誉为“史上最小的NBA球员”。

以下是9个含有'Muggsy Bogues'的例句:

1. Muggsy Bogues 在NBA历史上表现出色。

Muggsy Bogues played remarkably in NBA history.

2. Muggsy Bogues 用他的出色表现证明了身高并不是影响篮球生涯的唯一因素。

Muggsy Bogues proved that height is not the only factor affecting a basketball career with his excellent performance.

3. Muggsy Bogues的篮球技术使他成为了球队的精神领袖。

Muggsy Bogues' basketball skills made him the spiritual leader of the team.

4. Muggsy Bogues 是一位充满活力的球员,他的表现让人振奋。

Muggsy Bogues is a vibrant player and his performance is exhilarating.

5. Muggsy Bogues 的身高并不能掩盖他的天赋和努力。

Muggsy Bogues' height cannot conceal his talent and hard work.

6. Muggsy Bogues 的成功证明了在篮球场上,不仅仅是高个子才能获得成功。

Muggsy Bogues' success proves that on the basketball court, it’s not just tall people who can excel.

7. Muggsy Bogues 精通控球,他的传球和变向运球都非常出色。

Muggsy Bogues is skilled in dribbling, and his passing and ball handling are excellent.

8. Muggsy Bogues 在比赛中总能挑起球队的士气,他是一位出色的领袖。

Muggsy Bogues always boosts the team's morale in the game, he is an excellent leader.

9. Muggsy Bogues 是一位篮球界的传奇,他的足迹将永远铭刻在球迷的心中。

Muggsy Bogues is a legend in the basketball world, and his footsteps will forever be engraved in the hearts of fans.

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