junto是什么意思 junto的读音、翻译、用法

junto是什么意思 junto的读音、翻译、用法



1. The political junta seized power in a coup. (政治军政府通过政变夺取了权力。)

2. The band of robbers formed a junto to plan their next heist. (这伙抢劫犯组成了一支联盟,计划下一次抢劫。)

3. The student council consists of a junto of leaders from each class.(学生会由每个班级的领袖组成的一个团体组成。)

4. A junto of business leaders met to discuss economic policies.(一群企业领袖聚集起来讨论经济政策。)

5. The literary society formed a junto to publish their own magazine.(文学社团组成了一个联盟来出版他们自己的杂志。)

6. The junta of generals controlled the country for many years.(将军的集团在很多年里掌控了这个国家。)

7. Local merchants formed a junto to lobby for better trade conditions.(当地商家组成了一个联盟,游说更好的贸易条件。)

8. The junta of advisors helped the king make important decisions.(顾问集团帮助国王做出重要决策。)

9. The church leaders formed a junto to unite their congregations.(教会领袖组成了一个联盟来团结他们的教众。)

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