‘Phyllophaga anxia’是拉丁语词汇,指的是一种地中海地区的甲虫。这种甲虫被认为是一种昆虫害虫,其幼虫会在植被下方的根茎处吃掉植物的根部,导致植物死亡。在中文中可以翻译为“地中海金龟虫”。以下是9个含有该词语的例句:
1. 在地中海地区,Phyllophaga anxia 是一个被广泛认为是昆虫害虫的昆虫。
In the Mediterranean region, Phyllophaga anxia is widely regarded as an insect pest.
2. Phyllophaga anxia 的成虫一般在夜间活动,会被灯光和气味吸引。
Adults of Phyllophaga anxia are usually active at night and are attracted to light and odors.
3. 地中海地区的大部分农业作物都是受到 Phyllophaga anxia 幼虫的威胁。
Most agricultural crops in the Mediterranean region are threatened by Phyllophaga anxia larvae.
4. 在 Phyllophaga anxia 的生长过程中,它们会吃掉很多种植物的根部。
During the growth process of Phyllophaga anxia, they eat the roots of many plants.
5. Phyllophaga anxia 的幼虫是地中海地区许多作物的昆虫害虫之一,对农业生产带来了很多危害。
The larvae of Phyllophaga anxia are one of the insect pests of many crops in the Mediterranean region, which brings a lot of harm to agricultural production.
6. 农民们需要采取一些有效措施来防止 Phyllophaga anxia 的幼虫破坏作物。
Farmers need to take some effective measures to prevent the larvae of Phyllophaga anxia from damaging crops.
7. Phyllophaga anxia 的幼虫在生长过程中需要翻动土壤,并吃掉植物根部,这对土壤产生了不良影响。
The larvae of Phyllophaga anxia need to turn over the soil during their growth process and eat the roots of plants, which have a negative impact on the soil.
8. 我们需要更加了解 Phyllophaga anxia 幼虫的习性和生长规律,以便更好地控制它们对农业生产的危害。
We need to have a better understanding of the habits and growth patterns of Phyllophaga anxia larvae in order to better control their harm to agricultural production.
9. Phyllophaga anxia 被认为是地中海地区一个非常棘手的昆虫害虫,农民们需要采取有效的措施进行防治。
Phyllophaga anxia is considered a very troublesome insect pest in the Mediterranean region, and farmers need to take effective measures to prevent and control it.