anglo是什么意思 anglo的读音、翻译、用法

anglo是什么意思 anglo的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Anglo-Saxons were a Germanic people who inhabited Great Britain from the 5th century.(盎格鲁-撒克逊人是从5世纪起居住在大不列颠的日耳曼人。)

2. The Anglo-French War was a series of conflicts between England and France that lasted from 1202 to 1214.(英法战争是从xx年持续到xx年的英格兰和法国之间的一系列冲突。)

3. The Anglo-Norman period in Ireland lasted from the late 12th century until the early 14th century.(在爱尔兰,盎格鲁-诺曼时期从12世纪末持续到14世纪初。)

4. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is a collection of annals in Old English chronicling the history of the Anglo-Saxons.(《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》是一部叙述盎格鲁-撒克逊人历史的古英语年代记录集。)

5. Anglo-American relations have been strained in recent years due to political differences.(由于政治分歧,最近几年英美关系变得紧张。)

6. An anglophile is someone who loves England and things English.(喜欢英国和英式事物的人被称为“anglophile”。)

7. The Anglo-Saxon economy was largely based on agriculture, with trade and craft specialization developing over time.(盎格鲁-撒克逊经济主要基于农业,随着时间推移,贸易和手工艺专业化得以发展。)

8. The term 'Anglophone' refers to someone who speaks English as their first language.(“Anglophone”这个词指的是以英语作为母语的人。)

9. Anglo-Norman architecture is characterized by the use of pointed arches and ribbed vaults.(盎格鲁-诺曼建筑以使用尖拱和肋状拱为特点。)

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