[mallei]是什么意思 [mallei]的读音、翻译、用法

[mallei]是什么意思 [mallei]的读音、翻译、用法


在英语中,'[mallei]'通常指的是布氏杆菌(Burkholderia mallei),是一种致病的细菌,会导致马疯病(glanders)。


1. Burkholderia mallei causes glanders in horses.(布氏杆菌会导致马疯病。)

2. Glanders caused by B. mallei is a contagious disease.(由布氏杆菌引起的马疯病是一种传染病。)

3. The symptoms of glanders caused by B. mallei include fever and nasal discharge.(由布氏杆菌引起的马疯病的症状包括发热和鼻涕流。)

4. B. mallei can also infect other animals and humans.(布氏杆菌还可以感染其他动物和人类。)

5. Burkholderia mallei is listed as a select agent by the US government.(布氏杆菌被美国政府列为选择性制剂。)

6. The diagnosis of glanders caused by B. mallei requires laboratory testing.(由布氏杆菌引起的马疯病的诊断需要进行实验室检测。)

7. There is no vaccine for glanders caused by B. mallei.(由布氏杆菌引起的马疯病没有疫苗可用。)

8. Antibiotics can be used to treat glanders caused by B. mallei.(抗生素可以用于治疗由布氏杆菌引起的马疯病。)

9. Some countries have implemented measures to prevent the spread of B. mallei.(一些国家已经采取措施防止布氏杆菌传播。)

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