persona non grata是什么意思 persona non grata的读音、翻译、用法

persona non grata是什么意思 persona non grata的读音、翻译、用法

'persona non grata'是拉丁语,意为“不受欢迎的人”,是指一名外交官、公务员或其他人因为某种原因被宣布为不受欢迎的人。通常是指被驱逐出境,不再被允许进入某个国家。'persona non grata'也经常被用于描述被一群人视为不受欢迎的个人。


用法:被某个国家宣布为'persona non grata'的人将被驱逐出境,且不再允许入境该国。该短语也可用于描述某个群体不认可的个人。

含有'persona non grata' 的9个例句:

1. The ambassador was declared persona non grata after making insensitive remarks.(大使因说了一些不当的话被宣布为不受欢迎的人)

2. The foreign journalist was deemed persona non grata due to her critical reporting of the government.(由于外国记者批评政府,因此被视为不受欢迎的人)

3. The singer became persona non grata among fans when he made derogatory comments about the city.(当歌手对这座城市做出贬低的评论时,他开始成为球迷中的不受欢迎的人)

4. The diplomat was declared persona non grata by the host country as a result of a spying scandal.(由于一起间谍丑闻,该外交官被宣布为不受欢迎的人)

5. The actor was considered persona non grata after being arrested for drug possession.(该演员因被逮捕持有毒品而被视为不受欢迎的人)

6. The politician was declared persona non grata by several countries after making controversial comments about immigration.(该政治家由于发表有争议的移民言论而被多个国家宣布为不受欢迎的人)

7. The CEO was declared persona non grata after engaging in shady business practices.(首席执行官由于参与不光彩的商业行为而被宣布为不受欢迎的人)

8. The musician was deemed persona non grata by the audience after canceling several concert dates without explanation.(该音乐家取消了几个音乐会日期后没有解释,因此被观众视为不受欢迎的人)

9. The athlete became persona non grata in the sports world after testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs.(由于服用性能增强药物的检测结果呈阳性,该运动员在体育界成为了不受欢迎的人)

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