Xiphosura是什么意思 Xiphosura的读音、翻译、用法

Xiphosura是什么意思 Xiphosura的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Xiphosura, a group of ancient arthropods, have survived through multiple mass extinctions.(剑尾蝎目是一群古老的节肢动物,经历了多次物种灭绝而幸存下来。)

2. The horseshoe crab is a famous example of Xiphosura.(马蹄蟹是剑尾蝎目的著名代表。)

3. Xiphosura have a hard exoskeleton to protect their body.(剑尾蝎目有坚硬的外骨骼来保护身体。)

4. The fossils of Xiphosura from the Permian period provide important clues to the evolution of arthropods.(来自二叠纪的剑尾蝎目化石提供了节肢动物演化的重要线索。)

5. In some cultures, Xiphosura are considered sacred animals and are often used in traditional medicine.(在一些文化中,剑尾蝎目被视为神圣动物,经常用于传统医药中。)

6. Horseshoe crabs, a type of Xiphosura, are widely used in biomedical research.(马蹄蟹,一种剑尾蝎目,被广泛用于生物医学研究中。)

7. The population of Xiphosura has been declining due to habitat loss and overfishing.(剑尾蝎目的数量由于栖息地丧失和过度捕捞而减少。)

8. Some Xiphosura have a complex mating behavior, involving multiple individuals and long-distance communication.(一些剑尾蝎目有着复杂的交配行为,涉及多个个体和远距离通讯。)

9. The eyes of Xiphosura are composed of many small lenses that can detect both light and polarized light.(剑尾蝎目的眼睛由许多小透镜组成,能同时检测光和极化光。)

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