MMG这个词语来源于英语,是Maybach Music Group的缩写,意思是梅巴赫音乐集团。该词语通常用于描述由美国说唱歌手Rick Ross于xx年创立的唱片公司和音乐品牌。MMG旗下拥有多位知名说唱艺人,包括Rick Ross本人、Wale、Meek Mill等。
1. MMG将于下周发布新专辑。(英文:MMG will release a new album next week.)
2. Meek Mill是MMG旗下的说唱歌手之一。(英文:Meek Mill is one of the rappers signed to MMG.)
3. MMG的音乐多具有强烈的街头风格。(英文:MMG's music often has a strong street vibe.)
4. 这首歌是Rick Ross在MMG下发行的。(英文:This song was released by Rick Ross under MMG.)
5. Wale曾与MMG发生过分歧,但现在已经重归旗下。(英文:Wale had some differences with MMG, but has now returned to the label.)
6. MMG在说唱圈子里有很高的声望。(英文:MMG has a great reputation in the rap community.)
7. MMG的艺人经常在社交媒体上与粉丝互动。(英文:MMG artists often interact with fans on social media.)
8. MMG在音乐产业中扮演了重要角色。(英文:MMG plays an important role in the music industry.)
9. MMG的音乐充满力量和自信。(英文:MMG's music is full of power and confidence.)