Heterobranchus是什么意思 Heterobranchus的读音、翻译、用法

Heterobranchus是什么意思 Heterobranchus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Heterobranchus longifilis是一种体型较大的异鳃鲶,分布在尼日尔河流域和刚果河流域。

(Heterobranchus longifilis is a large-sized heterobranchus species distributed in the Niger River basin and Congo River basin.)

2. 非常有名的食用鱼类之一是异鳃鲶,非常受欢迎。

(One of the very famous edible fish is heterobranchus which is highly popular.)

3. 我们可以从国内市场买到异鳃鲶的鱼苗,养殖业发展很好。

(We can buy heterobranchus fingerlings from domestic market and its aquaculture is developing well.)

4. 异鳃鲶在非洲一些地区也被称为长吻鲇。

(Heterobranchus is also called long-nosed catfish in some regions of Africa.)

5. 异鳃鲶与同属鲶科的养蛇头生长速度一样快,但异鳃鲶的体型更大。

(Heterobranchus and snakehead fish, which belong to the same family of catfish, grow at a similar pace, but the former has a larger size.)

6. 异鳃鲶常常被误认为是黑鲶,但它们在颜色和体型上还是有所区别的。

(Heterobranchus is often mistaken as black catfish, but there are differences between them in terms of color and size.)

7. 这个水族馆里有不少非洲淡水鱼,包括异鳃鲶等。

(Many African freshwater fish, including heterobranchus, can be found in this aquarium.)

8. 异鳃鲶的肉质白嫩,营养价值高,非常适合烹饪。

(Heterobranchus has tender and white meat with high nutritional value, making it great for cooking.)

9. 为了维持异鳃鲶的种群数量,需要采取合适的措施来保护它们的生态环境和栖息地。

(Appropriate measures need to be taken to protect the ecological environment and habitat of heterobranchus in order to maintain its population.)

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