1. 'corporal'来自英语,中文翻译为'下士'或是'上士'。
2. 'corporal'是一个军衔名称,通常用于陆军和海军中低级别的军官。在美国军队中,'corporal'的等级为E-4。
1. The corporal led his squad on a patrol through the jungle. ('下士'带领他的小队在丛林中巡逻。)
2. The corporal was promoted to sergeant after completing his training. ('下士'在完成培训后被提升为中士。)
3. The corporal was responsible for maintaining the equipment in his unit. ('下士'负责维护他所在部队的装备。)
4. The corporal was awarded a medal for his bravery in battle. ('下士'因在战斗中的勇敢而获得勋章。)
5. The corporal trained his platoon on how to properly use their weapons. ('下士'训练他的排如何正确使用他们的武器。)
6. The corporal was in charge of setting up the tents for his unit. ('下士'负责为他所在部队搭建帐篷。)
7. The corporal was disciplined for disobeying orders from his superior officers. ('下士'因违抗上级指令而受到纪律处分。)
8. The corporal was responsible for leading the physical training sessions for his platoon. ('下士'负责领导他的排进行体能训练。)
9. The corporal assisted in the evacuation of wounded soldiers during a firefight. ('下士'在火战中协助撤离受伤士兵。)