1. He went berserk when he found out he didn't get the promotion. (他得知自己没有被晋升时,暴怒了。)
2. The crowd went berserk when their team scored the winning goal. (当他们的球队获胜时,观众狂热地欢呼。)
3. The boxer went berserk in the ring, attacking his opponent with reckless abandon. (拳击手在比赛中失控了,用疯狂的力量攻击对手。)
4. The soldier went berserk in battle, killing anything that moved. (士兵在战斗中狂暴,杀掉一切行动的敌人。)
5. The car went berserk, careening out of control down the mountain road. (汽车失控了,在山路上狂奔。)
6. The dog went berserk when it saw a cat, barking and chasing after it. (狗看到猫时狂吠,追逐着它。)
7. The villain in the movie went berserk, causing chaos and destruction everywhere he went. (电影中的反派疯狂地行动,到处制造混乱和破坏。)
8. The storm went berserk, battering the coast with hurricane-force winds and waves. (风暴失控了,带着飓风级的风和浪袭击着海岸。)
9. The child went berserk, throwing a tantrum and smashing his toys. (孩子失控了,发脾气并摔坏了他的玩具。)