seston是什么意思 seston的读音、翻译、用法

seston是什么意思 seston的读音、翻译、用法



1. The seston concentration in the river was measured at different times.


2. The composition and abundance of seston can affect the growth of aquatic organisms.


3. The feeding habits of fish are closely related to the seston available in the water.


4. The seston in the lake was analyzed to determine the source of pollution.


5. The seasonal changes in seston can affect the nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems.


6. The seston was collected by filtering the water through a fine mesh.


7. Seston can be used as an indicator of water quality in aquatic environments.


8. The seston was found to contain high levels of organic matter and nutrients.


9. The density of seston in the river increased after heavy rainfall events.


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