Neosauropoda是什么意思 Neosauropoda的读音、翻译、用法

Neosauropoda是什么意思 Neosauropoda的读音、翻译、用法



1. Neosauropoda类包括许多巨型恐龙,它们的颈椎非常长。

The Neosauropoda class includes many giant dinosaurs with very long neck vertebrae.

2. 腕龙作为Neosauropoda的一种,是最早出现的恐龙之一。

As a type of Neosauropoda, the Brachiosaurus is one of the earliest dinosaurs.

3. 巨兽龙是一种极其庞大的Neosauropoda恐龙,它的身体长度超过30米。

The Argentinosaurus is an extremely large Neosauropoda dinosaur with a body length of over 30 meters.

4. Neosauropoda恐龙的足迹通常很大,因为它们的身体也很大。

The footprints of Neosauropoda dinosaurs are usually large because their bodies are also large.

5. 巨型Neosauropoda恐龙的化石常常在世界各地被发掘出来。

Fossils of giant Neosauropoda dinosaurs are often excavated around the world.

6. Neosauropoda类中的恐龙都是植食性的,它们以树叶和其他植物为食。

Dinosaurs in the Neosauropoda class are all herbivorous and feed on leaves and other plants.

7. 巨龙是Neosauropoda恐龙的一种,它被认为是最大的陆地生物之一。

The Titanosaurus is a type of Neosauropoda dinosaur and is believed to be one of the largest land creatures.

8. Neosauropoda类中一些恐龙的骨骼长度可以达到50米以上。

Some dinosaurs in the Neosauropoda class can have a skeleton length of over 50 meters.

9. 与其他恐龙相比,Neosauropoda类的恐龙的颈椎数量更多,但它们的智商则较低。

Compared to other dinosaurs, the Neosauropoda class has more neck vertebrae, but they have lower intelligence.

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