Prunus padus是什么意思 Prunus padus的读音、翻译、用法

Prunus padus是什么意思 Prunus padus的读音、翻译、用法

'Prunus padus'这个词语来源于拉丁语,意为“欧洲樱桃”,在中文中也称为“欧洲稠李”,是一种生长在欧洲和亚洲的落叶小乔木,果实可食用但味道较为酸涩。它在园林美化中常用作庭园树或行道树。

以下是9个含有'Prunus padus'的例句:

1. Prunus padus是一种适合生长在寒带气候的树种。(拉丁语)

(中文翻译:'Prunus padus' is a species of tree suitable for growing in a cold climate.)

2. Prunus padus是花木盆景中常见的一种,其白色花朵非常优美。(日语)

(中文翻译:'Prunus padus' is a common species in flower and tree bonsai, and its white flowers are very beautiful.)

3. Prunus padus树皮和果实都能用于药用,具有抗炎和抗菌的作用。(法语)

(中文翻译:The bark and fruit of 'Prunus padus' can be used for medicinal purposes, with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.)

4. 由于Prunus padus属于中小型乔木,因此常常被用来做为人行道两侧的绿化植物。(德语)

(中文翻译:As 'Prunus padus' is a small to medium-sized tree, it is often used as a green plant on both sides of the sidewalk.)

5. Prunus padus是一个灌木丛,它可以用来保护河流和湖泊的边缘,防止水土流失。(俄语)

(中文翻译:'Prunus padus' is a shrubbery that can be used to protect the edges of rivers and lakes and prevent soil erosion.)

6. 除了作为庭园和行道树,Prunus padus也被用作制作葱油饼和果酱的原材料。(韩语)

(中文翻译:In addition to being used as a garden and street tree, 'Prunus padus' is also used as a raw material for making scallion pancakes and jams.)

7. Prunus padus的花期在春季,白色的花朵非常美丽,可以吸引大量昆虫来进行授粉。(荷兰语)

(中文翻译:The flowering period of 'Prunus padus' is in spring, and its white flowers are very beautiful, attracting a large number of insects for pollination.)

8. 在威尔士民间传说中,Prunus padus被认为是森林女神的宠物之一。(英语)

(中文翻译:In Welsh folklore, 'Prunus padus' is considered one of the pets of the forest goddess.)

9. 在瑞典,人们通常用Prunus padus果实来制作酱料或制成饮料。(瑞典语)

(中文翻译:In Sweden, 'Prunus padus' fruit is commonly used to make sauces or drinks.)

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