1. 天镇龙是一种古老的恐龙,生活在1.4亿年前。
Tianzhenosaurus is an ancient dinosaur that lived 140 million years ago.
2. 天镇县是天镇龙的命名地,这里有丰富的化石资源。
Tianzhen County is the designated place of Tianzhenosaurus, where abundant fossil resources exist.
3. 天镇龙是一种甲龙科恐龙,身上有着坚硬的盾甲。
Tianzhenosaurus is an ankylosaurid dinosaur with a hard armor on its body.
4. 天镇龙是中国山西省的标志性恐龙之一。
Tianzhenosaurus is one of the iconic dinosaurs in Shanxi province, China.
5. 天镇龙是一种草食性恐龙,常常出没于森林中。
Tianzhenosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur that often appeared in forests.
6. 天镇龙是中国恐龙化石中保存较好、数量较多的一种。
Tianzhenosaurus is one of the better-preserved and more abundant dinosaur fossils in China.
7. 天镇龙的头部有着巨大的嘴巴和锯齿状牙齿,适合咀嚼植物。
Tianzhenosaurus has a huge mouth and saw-like teeth in its head, suitable for chewing plants.
8. 天镇龙的化石证明了恐龙曾经在中国的山西省漫游,为了它们的研究,科学家们进行了大量的挖掘和研究工作。
The fossils of Tianzhenosaurus prove that dinosaurs have roamed in Shanxi province, China. For their studies, scientists have conducted a lot of excavations and research.
9. 天镇龙属于哺乳动物出现之前的时代,是地球上一个令人惊叹的生物物种。
Tianzhenosaurus belongs to the era before the appearance of mammals and is a stunning species on Earth.