Notodontidae是什么意思 Notodontidae的读音、翻译、用法

Notodontidae是什么意思 Notodontidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Notodontidae family includes species with a wide range of body sizes and colors.(毛蚊科家族包括体型和颜色各异的物种。)

2. The larvae of some Notodontidae species feed on oak leaves exclusively.(一些毛蚊科物种的幼虫仅以橡树叶为食。)

3. Notodontidae moths often rest with their wings held flat against their bodies.(毛蚊科蛾类通常将翅膀紧贴身体平躺。)

4. The Notodontidae family is known for having a unique pattern on the wings of some species.(毛蚊科家族以一些物种翅膀上的独特花纹而闻名。)

5. Some Notodontidae species are considered pests because they cause damage to crops.(一些毛蚊科物种被视为害虫,因为它们会对农作物造成损害。)

6. Notodontidae caterpillars can be easily identified by the prominent horn at the rear end of their body.(毛蚊科毛虫的尾部有一只明显的角,因此很容易被识别。)

7. Notodontidae moths have adapted to their environment by developing cryptic coloration.(毛蚊科蛾类通过发展隐蔽色彩来适应环境。)

8. Some Notodontidae species are prized by collectors for their unique appearance.(一些毛蚊科物种因其独特的外观而受到收藏家的珍视。)

9. The Notodontidae family is represented by dozens of genera and hundreds of species worldwide.(全世界有数十个属和数百个物种属于毛蚊科家族。)

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