'Isaac Abravanel'是一位犹太哲学家、历史学家和政治家,出生于15世纪的葡萄牙,逃亡途中曾经流亡在西班牙、意大利和威尼斯等地。他对犹太教的文化、历史和哲学产生了深厚的兴趣,成为了一位重要的犹太思想家和领袖。'Isaac Abravanel'可以翻译为“以撒·阿布拉凡内尔”,也可以简写为“Abravanel”,是一个常见的犹太姓氏。
以下是9个含有'Isaac Abravanel'的例句:
1. Isaac Abravanel是犹太教历史上最重要的思想家之一,他的作品对犹太教哲学和文化产生了深远的影响。
(Isaac Abravanel is one of the most important philosophers in Jewish history, and his works have had a profound impact on Jewish philosophy and culture.)
2. Isaac Abravanel的政治和军事才能备受赞誉,他曾经在葡萄牙、西班牙和威尼斯等地任职政府高官。
(Isaac Abravanel's political and military talents are highly praised, and he has served as a high-ranking government official in Portugal, Spain and Venice.)
3. Isaac Abravanel对犹太教的中心思想有着深入的理解和解释,他的著作被誉为犹太哲学的珍品。
(Isaac Abravanel has a deep understanding and interpretation of the central ideas of Judaism, and his works are regarded as treasures of Jewish philosophy.)
4. 以撒·阿布拉凡内尔是法国犹太公社的顾问之一,他为犹太人争取了更多的权利和自由。
(Isaac Abravanel was one of the advisers to the Jewish community in France, and he fought for more rights and freedoms for Jews.)
5. Isaac Abravanel的《以斯拉书注释》是他最具代表性的作品之一,它为犹太教的经典文献提供了重要的注释和解释。
(Isaac Abravanel's Commentary on Ezra is one of his most representative works, providing important commentary and interpretation for Jewish classical texts.)
6. 以撒·阿布拉凡内尔的哲学思想对现代犹太教的精神传承产生了深远的影响,他被誉为犹太思想的巨匠。
(Isaac Abravanel's philosophical ideas have had a profound impact on the spiritual heritage of modern Judaism, and he is regarded as a giant of Jewish thought.)
7. Isaac Abravanel与斯宾诺莎等犹太哲学家一起被誉为“伟大的西班牙三巨头”,他们共同推进了犹太哲学和文化的发展。
(Isaac Abravanel, along with Spinoza and other Jewish philosophers, is known as the "great Spanish trio," together promoting the development of Jewish philosophy and culture.)
8. 以撒·阿布拉凡内尔的犹太教史学作品包括《犹太教史》和《圣殿史》,详细记录了犹太教历史上的重要事件和人物。
(Isaac Abravanel's Jewish history works include "Jewish History" and "Temple History," which detail important events and figures in Jewish history.)
9. Isaac Abravanel的思想和文化遗产仍然在当今世界产生影响,他被视为现代哲学和宗教研究的重要对象。
(Isaac Abravanel's thought and cultural heritage still have an impact in today's world, and he is seen as an important subject of modern philosophical and religious studies.)