nopress是什么意思 nopress的中文翻译、读音、例句

nopress是什么意思 nopress的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:You know what the press is like. (你也知道媒体的可怕 You know what the press is like.)


例句:The Press Officer would like a word. (新闻官要见您 The Press Officer would like a word.)





1. Press credentials... we need them. (翻译:我们还需要记者证 Press credentials... we need them)

2. The press will have a field day with me. (翻译:媒体会整天追着我 The press will have a field day with me.)

3. I did a press conference, then I filled the gas tank. (翻译:I did a press conference, then I filled the gas tank.)

4. However, you desperately need some instruction. (翻译:媒体和公众 to the press and the public on that occasion.)

5. During the press conference for the Greek and foreign press... the Secretary to the PM Col. George Papadopoulos... referred to the reasons for the revolution. (翻译:在为希腊和外国记者召开的新闻发布会中... During the press conference for the Greek and foreign press... 总理乔治·帕帕多普洛斯上校的秘书...)

6. He also prepares the press releases... (翻译:他还准备新闻稿... He also prepares the press releases...)

7. When you press me to your heart, (翻译:When you press me to your heart,)

8. It gets you past the press corps. (翻译:It gets you past the press corps.)

9. a real ball for the national press. (翻译:社会舆论的震撼弹 A real ball for the national press.)

10. Minister about the press release... (翻译:大臣 关于媒体发布 Minister about the press release...)

11. And he might be ableto mobilise the Press. (翻译:And he might be ableto mobilise the Press.)

12. Could you send my press card to Perth? (翻译:Oh! Also... Could you send my press card to Perth?)

13. - No press, no interviews. (翻译:-不见媒体 不接受采访 - What? - No press, no interviews.)

14. - A lot of press want to come. (翻译:很多媒体想跟去 让他们跟去 A lot of press want to come.)

15. What about the popular press? (翻译:这是高端的 大众媒体呢? What about the popular press?)

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