nordic combined是什么意思 nordic combined的中文翻译、读音、例句

nordic combined是什么意思 nordic combined的中文翻译、读音、例句

nordic combined通常被翻译为"网络、速度滑雪与飞跃混合项目"的意思,在英美地区还有"北欧混合式滑雪"的意思,在线读音是[nordiccombined],nordic combined来源于英语,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到98个与nordic combined相关的例句。

Nordic combined的中文翻译

例句:And so with the dispersants combined, you have this very synergistic combined toxicity. (因此当它们与分散剂结合后, 就形成了一种强大的 协同作战的有毒物质。)


例句:"Nordic Face", Life style Of YourOwn. (“北欧表情”,属于自己的生活。)


例句:And usually the exposure is a combined exposure. (而生物一般都是 同时暴露在这两种物质之下。)


例句:And that, combined with the sound, put you into an instant alpha pattern. (翻译:再结合声音 让你们瞬间进入昏迷状态 And that, combined with the sound, put you into an instant alpha pattern.)


nordic combined一般作为名词使用,如在Nordic combined(un. 速度滑雪与飞跃混合项目\n[网络] 北欧两项;北欧混合式滑雪;体北欧混合式滑)、Nordic(北欧的)、combined(联合的 共同的 总和的 总计的,使 结合 组合 的过去式和过去分词形式)等常见短语中出现较多。

Nordic combinedun. 速度滑雪与飞跃混合项目\n[网络] 北欧两项;北欧混合式滑雪;体北欧混合式滑
combined联合的 共同的 总和的 总计的,使 结合 组合 的过去式和过去分词形式
Nordic Council北欧理事会
Nordic country[网络] 北欧
Nordic gold[网络] 北欧金;北欧金币
nordic noir[网络] 小说风格
nordic podzol北方淋淀土
Nordic skiing北欧式滑雪\n越野滑雪
Nordic sweater(织有驯鹿、雪晶体等图案的)北欧式毛衣


1. And usually the exposure is a combined exposure. (翻译:而生物一般都是 同时暴露在这两种物质之下。)

2. And that, combined with the sound, put you into an instant alpha pattern. (翻译:再结合声音 让你们瞬间进入昏迷状态 And that, combined with the sound, put you into an instant alpha pattern.)

3. Sixty miles on a bike, 30 miles on foot, and then a nice swim through sub-zero Nordic seas. (翻译:60英里自行车,30英里跑步 然后在零度以下的北欧海里游泳)

4. I'm Nordic's mum, Rula Hellmuth. (翻译:-我是Nordic的妈妈 Rula Hellmuth)

5. There are professional band provide Nordic amorous custom for you every evening. You'll enjoy Nordic nature romantism and pureness from no matter service quality ambiance or decoration. (翻译:这里每晚都有专业乐队为您演绎北欧风情,让您无论从服务,还是品质,无论是氛围还是装饰无不体现北欧自然,浪漫,纯净。)

6. Amlodipine besylate combined with telmisartan is a more optimal combined treatment. (翻译:氨氯地平联合替米沙坦是更优化的联合治疗方案。)

7. Var Dohr, the Nordic fortress. (翻译:唯一可以收留他们的地方 Var Dohr,北欧城堡)

8. One last example is that recently we, like last summer, we won the competition to design a Nordic national bank. (翻译:最后一个例子是我们最近, 也就是去年夏天赢了一个竞赛, 设计一个北欧国家银行。)

9. The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians. (翻译:罗马帝国被北欧蛮族推翻了。)

10. Well, no. Nordic is actually deathly allergic, - and I'm married, so... (翻译:你知道 Nordic的过敏非常严重 而我已经结婚了 所以...)

11. Unitas 14, combined maneuvers with United States Navy, halted. (翻译:14舰队和美军进行联合军事学习 完毕 Unitas 14, combined maneuvers with United States Navy, halted.)

12. All right, this rust, combined with the aluminum recovered from the van, is now thermite. (翻译:好了 这些铁锈 All right, this rust, 加上从车上刮下来的铝 combined with the aluminum recovered from the van, 可以充当铝热剂 is now thermite.)

13. Okay, the Nordic reputation for lack of humor is well-founded. (翻译:好吧 北欧闻名遐迩的缺乏幽默感算是见识了)

14. Combined with your birthday. (翻译:再加上你的生日 combined with your birthday.)

15. Nordic Naturals was ranked #1 out of the top 10 fish oil brands in Norway for highest concentration, freshness, and purity. (翻译:本品牌在世界10大鱼油品牌中荣获最高浓度,新鲜度和纯净度金奖第一名。)

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