norma1ized rate的中文解释是"归一变化率",在英美地区还有"归一变化率"的意思,在线读音是[norma1izedrate],norma1ized rate是一个英语名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到38个与norma1ized rate相关的例句。
Norma1ized rate的中文翻译
例句:The exchange rate is around 1 USD for 65.73 Taka. (达卡的兑换率约为一美元折合65.73达卡。)
norma1ized rate一般作为名词使用,如在ized([网络] 訿;x可卡;i史)、Norma(n. 矩尺(星)座\n[医] 外观(颅))、Shi'ized([网络] 说话了)等常见短语中出现较多。
ized | [网络] 訿;x可卡;i史 |
Norma | n. 矩尺(星)座\n[医] 外观(颅) |
Shi'ized | [网络] 说话了 |
norma anterior | [医] 前面观, 额面观 |
norma basilaris | [医] 底面观, 下面观 |
norma facialis | [医] 额面观 |
norma frontali | 额面观 |
norma frontalis | [医] 额面观 |
norma inferior | [医] 下面观, 底面观 |
1. - Is there anything else, Norma? (翻译:还有别的事么? ls there anything else?)
2. Under this condition, the obtainment rate of isoflavones from soybean germs is 1. 403%. (翻译:在此提取条件下,大豆胚芽中大豆异黄酮的得率为1.403%。)
3. - Concur, change in bearing rate. (翻译:-Sonar, Concur, change in bearing rate.)
4. Second-rate 18th-century portraits, third-rate 19th-century landscapes, modern paintings the Tate wouldn't even store. (翻译:18世纪二流肖像 19世纪三流风景画 Second -rate portraits, third -rate landscapes,)
5. They enjoy tax subsidies, about 1/15 of the going rate. (翻译:他们享受的税收补贴, 约115现行利率的。)
6. In September 1941 Norma Jeane was again living with Grace. (翻译:xx年xx月诺玛·琼再一次和格莱斯同住。)
7. J1, your heart rate is exceeding normal levels. Is there a problem? (翻译:J1,你的心跳数超过 标准值,没问题吧?)
8. There was a spike in his heart rate before he died. (翻译:他死前有段时间 心率猛增 There was a spike in his heart rate before he died.)
9. I would rate myself number two. (翻译:我想我在拳击界排第二 I would rate myself number two.)
10. Rate: 61 beats per minute. (翻译:每分钟 61下 血压: 97/53 Rate: 61 beats per minute.)
11. I want premium cable rate. (翻译:我要按有线付费收视率收费 I want premium cable rate.)
12. Norma liked to keep them separate. (翻译:诺尔玛喜欢把它们分开放 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Norma liked to keep them separate.)
13. The actual 1year tumor growth control rate was 92%. (翻译:xx年后肿瘤生长控制率为92%。)
14. Wipe that smirk off your face, Norma. (翻译:诺玛 把你的傻笑收起来 Wipe that smirk off your face, Norma.)
15. WOMAN: Chicken salad, now! MAN: (翻译:Chuck, Marilyn, Norma, Terry, and Linda.)