mediostrata是什么意思 mediostrata的中文翻译、读音、例句

mediostrata是什么意思 mediostrata的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:There exist four layers of volcanic rocks in Sinian and Cambrian strata of Kuruktag area, Xinjiang. (在新疆库鲁克塔格地区的震旦纪和寒武纪沉积岩地层中,分布有四层火山岩。)

例句:The main deformation of the southern Bachu uplift completed before the Carboniferous and the strata reduction is about 55%. (巴楚隆起南段的主变形期是在前石炭纪完成的,地层缩短量约占55%;)


1. Gradational strata or a true unconformity exist between the two sequences. (翻译:两层序间可以是过渡的或以一真正的沉没不整合分割。)

2. So that all four strata of the Pentateuch are present. (翻译:使所有四个阶层的摩西五是本。)

3. Age determinations of the Quaternary strata and environmental changes in the Alag Lake area, East Kunlun (翻译:东昆仑阿拉克湖地区第四纪地层时代厘定及环境变迁)

4. The samples are from Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene strata. (翻译:样品的地层年代介于渐新世和上新世之间。)

5. Comprehensive studies were made for fluid inclusions in minerals of Dongguashan strata-bound skarn deposit. (翻译:对冬瓜山层控夕卡岩型铜矿床的矿物流体包裹体进行了深入研究。)

6. These deposits are in unconformable contact with the underlying coal-bearing strata of the Shahezi Formation. (翻译:矿床与下伏沙河子组煤系地层呈不整合接触。)

7. The youngest strata intruded by the Kizil Tag intrusion are the Lower Carboniferous Gandun Formation. (翻译:克孜尔塔格岩体侵入最新地层为下石炭统干墩岩组。)

8. trending long and narrow depression located in the north of the Tarim Basin and is dominated by Meso-Cenozoic strata. (翻译:库车坳陷是塔里木盆地北部一近东西走向的狭长坳陷,以中新生代地层为主。)

9. The strata of Miocene and Pliocene in the study area deposit in the deepsea plain and toe of slope. (翻译:中新世至上新世,研究区发育深海平原和陆坡坡脚沉积。)

10. North Wuyi strata distributive province can be divided into Wuyi group, Luotang group and Guifeng group; (翻译:北武夷地层分区可划分出武夷群、罗塘群和圭峰群; )

11. Study on Outcrop Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower-Middle Ordovician Strata in Keping Tarim Basin (翻译:塔里木盆地柯坪地区中下奥陶统碳酸盐岩露头层序地层学研究)

12. Many studies indicate that the lifting and erosion of strata has a positive relationship with the underpressure in the strata. (翻译:众多的实例研究表明,地层抬升剥蚀与地层低压的发育存在明显的正相关关系。)

13. The influence factor to the refract rate have the degree of the crack, filling and geologic strata depth. (翻译:影响折射波的速度因素主要为孔隙度,孔隙中充填物及地层的埋躲深度。)

14. The Permo Carboniferous is the main coal bearing strata in Henan Province. (翻译:石炭—二叠纪地层是河南省主要含煤地层。)

15. Coal formation strata is one of the basic geological condition for occurrence and form of Mingshui spring group. (翻译:煤系地层是明水泉群形成和存在的基本地质条件之一。)

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