norwegian rat是什么意思 norwegian rat的中文翻译、读音、例句

norwegian rat是什么意思 norwegian rat的中文翻译、读音、例句

norwegian rat的中文解释是"挪威鼠、挪威老鼠",作为名词时有"网络"的意思,在线发音:[norwegianrat],norwegian rat来源于英语,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到38个与norwegian rat相关的例句。

Norwegian rat的释义


例句:The Norwegian parliament, Stortinget, currently has 169 members. (挪威议会挪威议会,目前有169个议员。)


例句:Maria Arredondo ia a very talented norwegian singer. (玛丽亚·亚瑞唐多是挪威很有才华的一位歌手。)

例句:The next day, the Norwegian made it to Bergen. (第二天,挪威人也到了卑尔根。)


norwegian rat一般作为名词使用,如在Norwegian rat([网络] 挪威老鼠;挪威鼠)、Norwegian(挪威的)、rat on(告密,出卖,背弃)等常见短语中出现较多。

Norwegian rat[网络] 挪威老鼠;挪威鼠
rat on告密,出卖,背弃
Rat'[地名] 拉季河 ( 俄 )
Middle Norwegian[网络] 中挪
New Norwegian[网络] 新挪威语
Norwegian Basin[地名] 挪威海盆 ( 挪威海 )
Norwegian buhund[网络] 挪威牧羊犬;挪威布哈德犬
Norwegian Current【海洋学】挪威海流
Norwegian cut挪威式掏槽


1. The next day, the Norwegian made it to Bergen. (翻译:第二天,挪威人也到了卑尔根。)

2. Last week a rat jumped into the van. (翻译:Last week a rat jumped into the van. 上周有只老鼠跑到车里来了)

3. He's not really a rat. He was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat. (翻译:他不是真正的宠物鼠 他曾经是鼠 他是我珀西的宠物鼠)

4. We worked with the Norwegian government and with the NorGen, the Norwegian Genetic Resources Program, to design this facility. (翻译:我们和挪威政府和 挪威基因资源项目一起合作, 来设计这个设施。)

5. German control of the Norwegian airfields was the key to the battle. (翻译:挪威机场落入德国人控制 对战役而言是关键)

6. We worked with the Norwegian government and with the NorGen, the Norwegian Genetic Resources Program, to design this facility. (翻译:我们和挪威政府和 挪威基因资源项目一起合作, 来设计这个设施。)

7. Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee: Francis Sejersted (翻译:挪威诺贝尔委员会主席:弗朗西斯·塞耶斯泰德)

8. Rat, rat, fatter than the cat... (翻译:耗子耗子 比猫还胖 Rat, rat, fatter than the cat —)

9. You, my friend, have a rat infestation. (翻译:have a rat infestation.)

10. Isolation of rat hepatocytes and effect of BRL cell culture supernatant on rat hepatocytes proliferation (翻译:大鼠肝细胞的分离及BRL细胞培养上清对原代肝细胞增殖的影响)

11. A Norwegian, a Faroese and an Icelander are about to be executed. (翻译:一个挪威人、一个法罗人和一个冰岛人就要被处死。)

12. An Allied meeting in London decided to mine Norwegian waters. (翻译:一次在伦敦召开的盟军会议 决定在挪威水域敷雷)

13. A Dutch cargo and a Norwegian freighter went straight to the bottom. (翻译:一艘荷兰商船和一艘挪威货船 直接沉入海底。)

14. Going from rat to rat is okay, but from species to species is not right. (翻译:但是,把它从一个物种 移植到另一个物种上 就不妥当了)

15. What, rat in the slaw again? (翻译:怎么 沙拉里又有老鼠了? What, rat in the slaw again?)

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