norwegian basin是什么意思 norwegian basin的中文翻译、读音、例句

norwegian basin是什么意思 norwegian basin的中文翻译、读音、例句

norwegian basin的中文解释是"挪威海盆、挪威海",其中文解释还有"地名"的意思,在线读音是[norwegianbasin],norwegian basin来源于英语,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到75个与norwegian basin相关的句子。

Norwegian Basin的释义


例句:Here's Hellas Basin, a very very different place, geologically. (这是Hellas Basin, 地质上非常奇特的地方。)


例句:The Zhangqiang basin is a Late Mesozoic fault sag basin in Northeastern Asia, and is a half-graben, dustpan shaped basin. (张强盆地是辽宁晚中生代半地堑式断拗盆地,呈萁状。)


例句:The Jinggu basin in Yunnan is the smallest oil-bearing basin in the world. (云南景谷盆地是迄今世界上最小的含油气内陆盆地。)


norwegian basin一般作为名词使用,如在Norwegian Basin([地名] 挪威海盆 ( 挪威海 ))、Norwegian(挪威的)、Middle Norwegian([网络] 中挪)等常见短语中出现较多。

Norwegian Basin[地名] 挪威海盆 ( 挪威海 )
Middle Norwegian[网络] 中挪
New Norwegian[网络] 新挪威语
Norwegian buhund[网络] 挪威牧羊犬;挪威布哈德犬
Norwegian Current【海洋学】挪威海流
Norwegian cut挪威式掏槽
Norwegian Deep[地名] 挪威海渊 ( 北海 )
norwegian dunkerhound挪威猎犬
Norwegian elkhound挪威猎鹿犬


1. The Jinggu basin in Yunnan is the smallest oil-bearing basin in the world. (翻译:云南景谷盆地是迄今世界上最小的含油气内陆盆地。)

2. Oil shale basins with large resources are Songliao basin, Ordos basin and Jugger basin, their resources covers 76.79% of the countrywide resources. (翻译:油页岩资源巨大的盆地有:松辽盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地、准噶尔盆地,占全国油页岩资源的76.79%。)

3. Beyond the shelf edge in the head of the New Caledonia Basin is the deepwater part of the Taranaki Basin. (翻译:在新喀里多尼亚盆地最远端的大陆架边缘之外即是塔拉纳基盆地的深水区域。)

4. - Noone has. - They attacked the Norwegian coast. (翻译:那里已经没人了 他们攻击了挪威的海岸城市)

5. German control of the Norwegian airfields was the key to the battle. (翻译:挪威机场落入德国人控制 对战役而言是关键)

6. The Italian was his lawyer, the Norwegian - his friend and physician. (翻译:意大利人是他忠实的律师 挪威人,朋友,对他进行治疗)

7. A typical foreland basin was formed at the front of Kalatnayli mountain, northeastern margin of Junggar basin. (翻译:准噶尔盆地东北缘于克拉麦里山前形成典型的前陆盆地。)

8. We worked with the Norwegian government and with the NorGen, the Norwegian Genetic Resources Program, to design this facility. (翻译:我们和挪威政府和 挪威基因资源项目一起合作, 来设计这个设施。)

9. Staggeringly, 50% of the Congo Basin forest has been allocated for logging. (翻译:50% of the Congo Basin forest 已被分配为砍伐区域 {\3cH202020}has been allocated for logging.)

10. The present Yinchuan graben is not the separated line of Helanshan Basin and Ordos Basin. (翻译:现今的银川地堑当时也并不是贺兰山盆地与鄂尔多斯盆地的分割。)

11. Lanping Basin is a tectonic basin in the Sanjiang Area, which is rich in mineral resources. (翻译:兰坪盆地是三江地区一典型的构造沉积盆地,矿产资源丰富。)

12. The Ordos basin is a large Mesozoic intracontinental basin superimposed on the Paleozoic North China craton. (翻译:鄂尔多斯盆地是叠加在华北古生代克拉通台地之上的中生代大型陆内盆地。)

13. That fire line to the west is cutting off any route into that basin. (翻译:往西蔓延的火势 That fire line to the west 阻断了盆地的通路 is cutting off any route into that basin.)

14. We worked with the Norwegian government and with the NorGen, the Norwegian Genetic Resources Program, to design this facility. (翻译:我们和挪威政府和 挪威基因资源项目一起合作, 来设计这个设施。)

15. What are you basin' it on? (翻译:ﻪﻴﻟﺇ ﺕﺪﻨﺘﺳﺍ ﻱﺬﻟﺍ ﺎﻣ ؟)

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