nuclear power是什么意思 nuclear power的中文翻译、读音、例句

nuclear power是什么意思 nuclear power的中文翻译、读音、例句


关于“nuclear power”,可以从以下三个方面进行说明:

1. 意义和定义

“nuclear power”指的是核能,也就是一种通过核反应将原子核中的能量转换成电能的能源类型。这种能源的特点是产生的能量大且持久,但是核能的开发和使用也存在着一些安全和环保等问题。

2. 应用和发展


3. 各国政策和立场



1. The Chernobyl disaster is still considered one of the worst nuclear power accidents in history.(切尔诺贝利核电站事故仍被视为历史上最严重的核电事故之一。)

2. China is currently the world's largest user and builder of nuclear power plants.(中国目前是全球最大的核电使用国和建设国。)

3. The Fukushima nuclear power plant was damaged by a tsunami in 2011.(福岛核电站在xx年遭遇了海啸袭击,受到了重大损害。)

4. Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power are seen as alternatives to nuclear power.(风能和太阳能等可再生能源被视为核能的替代品。)

5. The government of Germany has announced plans to phase out all nuclear power plants by 2022.(德国政府已宣布计划在xx年之前逐步废除所有核电站。)


读音:[ˈnjuːkliə(r) ˈpaʊə(r)]


1. Nuclear power plants generate electricity by harnessing the energy produced in nuclear reactions. (核能发电厂通过利用核反应产生的能量来发电。)

2. Many countries are investing in nuclear power as a way to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. (许多国家正在投资核能以减少对化石燃料的依赖。)

3. The debate over the safety and environmental impact of nuclear power continues to be a controversial issue. (有关核能安全性和环境影响的辩论仍然是一个有争议的问题。)

nuclear power通常被翻译为"核动力"的意思,在英美地区还有"电"的意思,在线发音:[nuclearpower],nuclear power在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到43个与nuclear power相关的例句。

Nuclear power的释义


例句:And for a few years, we were the only nuclear power on Earth. (之后的一些年间 我们一直是地球上唯一的有核国家 )


例句:In every case, they got the weapons before they got the nuclear power. (这7个国家都是在他们拥有核电力 之前就已经拥有核武器的。)


nuclear power一般作为名词使用,如在industrial nuclear power(工业用核动力)、major nuclear power(【军事】核大国)、military nuclear power(军事核大国)等常见短语中出现较多。

industrial nuclear power工业用核动力
major nuclear power【军事】核大国
military nuclear power军事核大国
nuclear auxiliary power助核动力
nuclear power complex动力联合企业
nuclear power economics核动力经济学
nuclear power engineering核电工程
nuclear power excursion核动力偏离
nuclear power fluctuation功率涨落


1. The Balts and the Finns are constructing big new nuclear power stations. (翻译:波罗的海地区居民与芬兰人正在建设新的大型核电站。)

2. There are, blessedly, very few catastrophic accidents at nuclear power plants. (翻译:幸好,发生在核电站的灾难性的事故不是很多。)

3. The nuclear launch sequence (翻译:他们激活了核弹发射指令 The nuclear launch sequence)

4. - No, no more nuclear weapons. (翻译:No, no more nuclear weapons. 可首相...)

5. We must organize power for the people, power for the workers! (翻译:We must organize power for the people,power for the workers!)

6. Nuclear power is cleaner than coal. (翻译:核能比煤更清洁。)

7. The pumps have long been used on nuclear submarines but this is the first ap plication of them on a commercial nuclear power plant. (翻译:该泵曾长期在核潜艇中使用,但这次是他们首次在商业核电站中应用。)

8. I'll tear down this scandalous nuclear power plant immediately! (翻译:我一定会取消建造这座可耻 又害人的核能发电厂 好不好)

9. - Branded safe by The IMF. (翻译:- A Russian nuclear warhead. - Branded safe by The IMF.)

10. And as usual, they had to buy nuclear power from France. (翻译:像往常一样,他们只好向法国购买核能发的电。)

11. If we go that far and continue our obsession with nuclear power. (翻译:我们谈论它的成本, 如果我们选择 - - 继续我们的痴迷 核电。)

12. By the power vested in me, (翻译:By the power vested in me,)

13. Former chief nuclear inspector at the Rajlyan Power Plant in Tiraspol. (翻译:蒂拉斯波尔市的拉杰利安发电站 前核检察长)

14. Having taken a firm step in localizing nuclear power equipment GNPS gives a boost to the overall improvement of capability of China's nuclear power industry. (翻译:在实现核电国产化的道路上迈出了坚实的一步,带动了我国核电产业整体能力的提升; )

15. India wants uranium from Malawi and Niger for nuclear power. (翻译:印度希望从马拉维和尼日尔获得到核能原料铀。)


nuclear power作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、nuclear、powers等。

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