mat vibrated是什么意思 mat vibrated的中文翻译、读音、例句

mat vibrated是什么意思 mat vibrated的中文翻译、读音、例句

mat vibrated在中文中有"表面震捣的"的意思,在日常中也代表"表面震捣的"的意思,单词读音音标为[matvibrated],mat vibrated常被用作名词,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到72个与mat vibrated相关的例句。

Mat vibrated的释义


例句:The response came with such a thundergust from the motley crew that the crazy building vibrated to the sound. (形形色色的一帮人发出了雷鸣般的回应,那座歪歪斜斜的房屋随着喊声震动起来。)


mat vibrated一般作为名词使用,如在vibrated(v. 响遍四方, 十分响亮(vibrate的过去式))、vibrated bed(振动床;搅动床)、vibrated concrete(振实[振捣]的混凝土)等常见短语中出现较多。

vibratedv. 响遍四方, 十分响亮(vibrate的过去式)
vibrated bed振动床;搅动床
vibrated concrete振实[振捣]的混凝土
vibrated lining振动打炉衬
on the mat受责备
magnetically vibrated screen电磁振动筛
vibrated brick panel振动砖墙板
vibrated fluid bed动流化床


1. I had to go to the mat with the Attorney General to keep your job. (翻译:我不得不和司法部长说了一番才保住你的工作)

2. The endurance of setbacks is a standard mat can evaluate the volitional character of a person. (翻译:挫折承受能力是衡量人的意志品质的一个重要指标。)

3. Do you want me to wear a haz mat suit or are you going to be OK? (翻译:你想让我换上Hazmat套装 或者你想?)

4. The loud clunk vibrated the boat temporarily, before water started to trickle slowly over the stern. (翻译:声像巨大的撞击立刻震动了小船,之后水开始慢慢地漫过船尾。)

5. The cackling of the daemon army mixed with the screams of the crucified and the air vibrated with the din. (翻译:恶魔大军的吵闹混杂着被钉者的惨叫,使得空气也在这喧嚣中颤动。)

6. When you're lying on a mat do you know you're dead? (翻译:当你躺在席子上的时候, 你知道你死了吗?)

7. Here he was, speeding by the site of Napoleon's great victory at Austerlitz, and nothing even vibrated. (翻译:因为他驱车飞速经过的,是当年拿破仑当年对俄奥联军取得大胜的地方,奥斯德立兹,但是,手机甚至连振动都没有过一次。)

8. Jesuits Lugats, report to the scores table at Mat 2. (翻译:请Jesuits Lugats到二号场地记分牌处报到)

9. I'm sure that was a mouse I saw scuttling across the mat. (翻译:我敢肯定我看见一只老鼠从席子上跑了过去。)

10. Florian Leonhard, a London dealer, says that time has "vibrated the wood". (翻译:一位伦敦贸易商佛洛里安·莱昂哈德说,木头经不起时间的考验。)

11. When the dog would try to leave the mat, she would say, "Rover, on the mat, on the mat, on the mat." (翻译:每当狗试图离开垫子, 她就说:“Rover,呆在垫子上,呆在垫子上,呆在垫子上。” )

12. And here

13. It basically directed the sounds onto a diaphragm that vibrated a needle that essentially engraved the sound on tinfoil that was wrapped around the cylinder. (翻译:原理是把声音录在薄膜上 声音通过振动的针头刻录在锡箔上 锡箔被包裹在圆柱体上。)

14. Dad... now you can die peacefully on a tatami mat... (翻译:别担心 现在你可以在榻榻米的垫子平静地死去...)

15. And I use a heat mat to sit the bath on and a thermostat to regulate it. (翻译:我在池子下面垫了一张电热毯, 再用一个恒温器来调节电热毯的温度)

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