nucleic acid是什么意思 nucleic acid的中文翻译、读音、例句

nucleic acid是什么意思 nucleic acid的中文翻译、读音、例句

nucleic acid在中文中有"生化"的意思,其中文解释还有"核酸"的意思,单词读音音标为[nju:'kli:ik; ?@ nu:-],nucleic acid在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到44个与nucleic acid相关的句子。

Nucleic acid的翻译


例句:Which is the hydrochloric acid and which is the ammonium hydroxide? (Which is the hydrochloric acid and which is the ammonium hydroxide?)


例句:Thus, any random changes in the interior, fledgling ribozymes that could speed up nucleic acid replication rates will spread rapidly through an evolving population. (这样一来,细胞内部发生的使得核酶加速核酸复制速率的任何变化,都会在进化群体中快速扩散。)


nucleic acid一般作为名词使用,如在nucleic(核酸的 )、glycol nucleic acid(核酸)、immune nucleic acid(免疫核酸)等常见短语中出现较多。

glycol nucleic acid核酸
immune nucleic acid免疫核酸
infectious nucleic acid感染性核酸
locked nucleic acid[网络] 锁核酸;锁核酸技术;锁定的核酸技术
nucleic acid base[生化] 核酸碱基
nucleic acid chemistry核酸化学
nucleic acid condiment核酸[系]调味料, 核酸(系)调味料
nucleic acid cycle核酸周期


1. Progressive, electro, Deep House, Club House, Acid House, Euro House. (翻译:忘了派对音乐吧,Progressive, Electro,Deep House,Club House,Acid House ...)

2. The effects of hexanedioic acid, sebacic acid and oxalic acid on floatation performance of feldspar and quartz were investigated. (翻译:研究了己二酸,癸二酸和草酸对长石和石英浮选性能的影响。)

3. Formalin, a chemical used to prepare samples for microscopy , had crosslinked nucleic acids with protein. (翻译:福尔马林,一种用于镜检前的化学试剂,它可以使核酸和蛋白交联。)

4. Stearic acid (octadecanoic acid) A saturated carboxylic acid, which is widely distributed in nature as the glyceride ester. (翻译:是自然界中以甘油酯形式广泛分布的饱和羧酸。)

5. Hydrolysable tannin may be degraded to glucose, gallic acid, ellagic acid and valonia acid in the acid condition. (翻译:水解类植物鞣质在酸性条件下能降解,其降解产物可起到还原、蒙囿以及与金属盐络合的作用。)

6. Quinomycin A acts bybifunctional intercalation of nucleic acids. (翻译:醌霉素A通过嵌入核酸中发挥双功能。)

7. A sulfuric acid haze blocked incoming sunlight and darkened the planet. (翻译:硫酸雾霾隔绝了阳光 使地球陷入黑暗 A sulfuric acid haze blocked incoming sunlight and darkened the planet)

8. Forcing her to clean the pavement with acid. (翻译:强迫她用酸液擦人行道 Forcing her to clean the pavement with acid.)

9. Protective Immunity Induced by the Nucleic Acid Vaccine of SjC 21. 7 In Mice (翻译:日本血吸虫SjC21.7核酸疫苗诱导小鼠保护性免疫作用的研究)

10. It is the web page of Bioinformatics Nucleic Acid Structure Database that is provided by Bioinformatics Centre, University of Pune. And it also can provide service of incepting and submitting data. (翻译:这是印度Pune大学生物学信息中心提供的一个核酸结构免费查询界面,也提供接收和递交数据服务。)

11. DNA is a ladderlike double-stranded nucleic acid that forms the basis of genetic inheritance in all organisms, except for a few viruses. (翻译:DNA是一个梯状的双链核酸,构成了除少数病毒以外所有生物基因遗传的基础。)

12. The nucleic acid vaccine has already displayed the strong superiority and vitalities, it develops the foreground huge. (翻译:核酸疫苗已显示出强大的优越性和生命力,其发展前景巨大。)

13. Dynamic changes of nucleic acid metabolism of Datura stramonium L. Under simulated heavy-metal pollution (翻译:模拟重金属污染下曼陀罗种群核酸代谢变化研)

14. Good to smell your acid stink again. (翻译:闻到你们的酸臭味我很高兴 Good to smellyour acid stink again.)

15. The bottle that says hydrochloric acid is usually the hydrochloric acid. Read the bottles! (翻译:瓶子上写着是盐酸通常就是是盐酸 The bottle that says hydrochloric acid is usually the hydrochloric acid.)


nucleic acid作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、nucleic、acids等。

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