nyamora是什么意思 nyamora的中文翻译、读音、例句

nyamora是什么意思 nyamora的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Mora 's desperate digging finally draws the attention of her hungry cubs. But their prey has long since given them the slip. (莫拉绝望的挖掘最终吸引了自己饥饿幼仔的注意。但它们的猎物很长时间都没有犯错误了。)


1. The effect of NYA on protein and mRNA expression of bFGF in rat brain following intracerebral hemorrhage (翻译:脑溢安对脑出血大鼠脑内bFGF表达的影响)

2. After spending the morning at Kahn-Seidelman... on the 14th floor of the junk bond department where Shane Mora works... he had lunch at that French restaurant Le Circus... with a group of well-dressed heavyset bean counters. (翻译:他在雪恩上班的康赛德 垃圾债券部待了一个早上后 和一群衣冠楚楚的中阶经理人 在那家法国餐厅吃了中饭)

3. Nobody ever dares to venture that far north of the city but for a few brave pilgrims seeking to visit the shrine of Hermaeus Mora. (翻译:没人敢冒生命危险到城市的远北方探险,但有些寻访赫玛耐斯•莫拉圣坛的勇敢的朝圣者除外。)

4. By the way what are Eva Millan and Lina Mora doing? (翻译:顺便问一下艾娃・米娅和莉娜・莫拉在做什么呢)

5. Lele Mora, for instance-he's happy about his life, he's a calm person, so we have this harp [for him]. (翻译:举例来说,莱莱·莫拉很满足于自己的生活,他性格沉稳,所以我们用竖琴为他配乐。)

6. Eduardo Medina Mora, the sacked attorney-general, was a former businessman and a powerful and independent figure. (翻译:被解雇的爱德华多•梅迪纳•莫拉曾经是位商人,也是一位颇具影响力的独立人物。)

7. Eduardo Mora, leader of the National Farmers Union, was on the Mendiola Bridge. (翻译:国家农民工会领导人,EduardoMora曾在Mendiola大桥上。)

8. Francisco Mora from Colombia says, the city of Bogota pays parents, so children do not have to work until they finish their basic education. (翻译:哥伦比亚的弗朗西丝莫里说,波哥大城市付钱给父母,所以儿童直到他们完成基础教育前都不用工作。)

9. Wa'll run a faw mora taStS tomorrow, and you'ra back to your old Salf in no tima. (翻译:明天我们将做几个测试 你很快又机会找回你自己)

10. I'va baan through mora Shit in my lifa than most paopla go through in 1 0. (翻译:在我xx岁时 便经历了比大多数人 一生经历的都多得倒霉事)

11. In Greece, Mora sits upon your chest and tries to asphyxiate you. (翻译:在希腊,是莫拉坐在胸口上 试图使你窒息。)

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