mars sedimentology是什么意思 mars sedimentology的中文翻译、读音、例句

mars sedimentology是什么意思 mars sedimentology的中文翻译、读音、例句

mars sedimentology的中文解释是"火星沉积学",其中文解释还有"地质"的意思,发音音标为[marssedimentology],mars sedimentology常被用作名词,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到32个与mars sedimentology相关的句子。

Mars sedimentology的释义


例句:Dynamic sedimentology of orogenic belts is an important aspect for the research on continental dynamics and geology of orogenic belts. (造山带动力沉积学是造山带地质学和大陆动力学研究的重要方面。)


例句:It lies between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. (它们存在于木星和火星的轨道间 It lies between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars.)


mars sedimentology一般作为名词使用,如在Mars sedimentology([地质] 火星沉积学)、sedimentology(沉积学 )、Mars(火星 )等常见短语中出现较多。

Mars sedimentology[地质] 火星沉积学
experimental sedimentology实验沉积学
marine sedimentology海洋沉积学
mathematical sedimentology[地质] 数学沉积学
modern sedimentology[地质] 现代沉积学
submarine sedimentology海底沉积学
geology of Mars火星地质
geophysics of Mars[天物] 火星地球物理学


1. Honeybee Robotics designed the Mars Driller, and it was really very much fun to work with them. (翻译:蜜蜂机器人的设计者是Mars Driller. 跟它们工作真的是很有趣. )

2. Grencia Mars Eliijah Guo Eckener. (翻译:Grencia Mars Elijah Guo Eckener?)

3. Luckily mars, and not earth, (翻译:幸运的是 火星而非地球成了一颗小行星的靶子)

4. They wanted to eliminate Joseph Mars along with the rest of P9, which would have been a terrible waste. (翻译:他们想除掉Joseph Mars及其他P9成员 这实在是暴殄天物)

5. Is there life on Mars? (翻译:火星上有生命吗? )

6. Study of Comparing Sedimentology in High-sinuosity River a nd Low-sinuosity River (翻译:高弯曲与低弯曲河流比较沉积学研究——以长江上、下荆江段为例)

7. We can give our sample to Mars. (翻译:我们可以把样本交给火星 We can give our sample to Mars.)

8. on Jupiter, on Mars, on Saturn. (翻译:在木星 火星 土星上都有智慧生命 上面都有外星人)

9. If you happened to be on Mars when this impactor hit, it was a really bad day on Mars. (翻译:如果在撞击物撞击到火星时, 你刚好在火星上, 那真是在火星上度过的悲惨的一天。)

10. Then onward to the Champs de Mars. (翻译:然后向前走到Champs de Mars。)

11. We go to Mars, so we need a guy from Mars? (翻译:我们要到火星去,所以带一个火星人向导么?)

12. Mars is a destination, but it will not be our last. (翻译:火星是我们的一个目的地, 但这并不会是我们最后一个目的地。)

13. If we heat up the poles on Mars, that causes a significant temperature rise on Mars, and we start having flowing water on Mars, especially around the equator. (翻译:如果我们加热在火星上,波兰人 这导致重大 火星上的温度上升 和我们开始 流动的水在火星上,)

14. Are you asking me to go to Mars with you? (翻译:你是在邀请我陪你一起去火星吗? Are you asking me to go to Mars with you?)

15. Mars had rivers, Mars had lakes, but more important Mars had planetary-scale oceans. (翻译:火星曾有河流,火星曾有湖泊, 更重要的是火星曾有星球大小的海洋。)

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