marquisat是什么意思 marquisat的中文翻译、读音、例句

marquisat是什么意思 marquisat的中文翻译、读音、例句

marquisat 拼写错误,正确应该是 marquisate。

词义:marquisate 意为“侯爵领地”。






1. The marquisate of Castiglione was granted to him by the king.(卡斯蒂廖内侯爵领地是国王授予他的。)

2. The marquisate of Tuscany was one of the most powerful in medieval Italy.(托斯卡纳侯爵领地是中世纪意大利最强大的领地之一。)

3. He inherited the marquisate from his father.(他从父亲那里继承了侯爵领地。)

4. The marquisate was later dissolved and absorbed into the larger duchy.(后来这个侯爵领地被废除,吞并到更大的公国中。)

5. The marquisate was known for its stunning architecture and beautiful gardens.(这个侯爵领地以其惊人的建筑和美丽的花园而闻名。)

6. The marquisate was fiercely contested by rival noble families.(这个侯爵领地被敌对的贵族家族激烈争夺。)

7. The marquisate was eventually sold to a wealthy merchant.(这个侯爵领地最终被卖给了一个富有的商人。)



例句:They belong to the Marquis of Carabas, "they replied." (“它们属于卡拉巴斯侯爵所有,”他们回答说。)


例句:The key that the Marquis du Lafayette sent to George Washington to celebrate the storming of the Bastille. (拉法叶为庆祝攻陷巴士底狱 送给华盛顿的钥匙)


1. And in front of them, the marquis' wife. (翻译:那是勃吉纳夫人和克莱尔小姐 坐在她们前面的是侯爵夫人)

2. Waingro just got himself a suite at the Airport Marquis under the name Jamieson. (翻译:荣谷正住在侯爵机场的酒店套房... 并化名为杰米森)

3. To my lord Marquis of Carabas!" the mowers answered, as the cat had instructed them. (翻译:“属于我们的领主克拉巴斯侯爵,”割草的人们按照猫所指示的那样回答。)

4. Excuse me. How can I get to Temple of Marquis Wu? (翻译:不好意思,请问怎样才能到武侯祠? )

5. Marquis Ussoni reached Italian headquarters on the Mincio. (翻译:尤索尼侯爵已经赶到明奇奥的 意大利革命组织总部)

6. - A gift from Monsieur le Marquis. (翻译:- Who is it? - A gift from Monsieur le Marquis.)

7. My lord, is that really the real head of Major Marquis, looking at me now? (翻译:妈蛋 真的是马库斯少校在看我啊 My lord, is that really the real head of Major Marquis, looking at me now?)

8. Maj. Marquis did more than bust out. (翻译:梅爵他何止逃出来了 Maj. Marquis did more than bust out.)

9. Put the marquis to death and history might even regard you as a despot. (翻译:处死侯爵 可能会让历史将您当成一个暴君来看待)

10. "To the Marquis of Carabas, " answered the reapers, all speaking at once. (翻译:“这是卡拉巴斯侯爵的,”这些割麦人都马上答道。)

11. Or maybe,just maybe... these sheets once belonged to our friend the marquis. (翻译:也许,只是也许... 这些被单是我们的朋友侯爵的)

12. After her death in 1939, the remainder was inherited by her nephew, the Marquis de Ganay. (翻译:xx年Behague女士去世,剩余的藏品由其侄子Ganay侯爵继承。)

13. And I also know that you were a puppet in the hands of her father, the Marquis of Montezelos. (翻译:我知道你只是一个傀儡 被她的父亲蒙特萨洛斯侯爵玩弄了)

14. Welcome to the castle of the Marquis of Carabas! (翻译:欢迎来到卡拉巴斯侯爵的城堡! )

15. "The Marquis of Carabas, sir, " said the cat, and he bowed very low. (翻译:“我的主人就是卡拉巴斯侯爵”猫答道,又深鞠一躬。)

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