massengo是什么意思 massengo的中文翻译、读音、例句

massengo是什么意思 massengo的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Another noob question: How many shield bases can one connect to a NGO? (另一个菜鸟问题:多少盾基地可以连接到一个NGO ? )


例句:This man was in an NGO feeding center, being helped as much as he could be helped. (这个人在国际非政府组织食疗中心, 他已经得到能得到的救助。)


例句:An NGO reported that one reeducation center was so crowded that prisoners were forced to sleep on top of each other or sitting up. (某NGO报道说,某个改造中心过于拥挤以至于犯人被迫相互压着睡或者坐着睡。)


例句:The new NGOs that are really moving the needle are the ones that have found these partnerships, that have found these ways to collaborate. (翻译:真正取得进展的NGO 是那些找到这些合作伙伴的组织, 设那些找到这种合作方式的新式NGO )


massengo一般作为名词使用,如在Massengo([地名] 马森戈 ( 安哥 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Massengo[地名] 马森戈 ( 安哥 )


1. An NGO reported that one reeducation center was so crowded that prisoners were forced to sleep on top of each other or sitting up. (翻译:某NGO报道说,某个改造中心过于拥挤以至于犯人被迫相互压着睡或者坐着睡。)

2. The new NGOs that are really moving the needle are the ones that have found these partnerships, that have found these ways to collaborate. (翻译:真正取得进展的NGO 是那些找到这些合作伙伴的组织, 设那些找到这种合作方式的新式NGO )

3. We had this small NGO, Transparency International. (翻译:我们有一个小型的非政府组织, “透明国际”)

4. So this program has split into an NGO foundation, a Fab Foundation to support the scaling, a micro VC fund. (翻译:我们现在成立了一个NGO来做这个事情 支持人们把项目做大,还有一个风投基金)

5. We have enough water, some sardines various other NGO tin can delicacies. (翻译:我们有足够的水,嗯,一些沙丁鱼 其他一些美味的罐头)

6. I had somebody from an NGO once describe it to me as bowling in the dark. (翻译:我曾碰到一位非政府组织的工作人员, 他对我说,这就像是在黑暗里打保龄球, )

7. Indeed, the kind of unique organizational entity of this age is this tremendous rise of NGOs and social organizations. (翻译:的确,这个时代特有的组织形式 就是NGO和各种社会组织 的飞速崛起 )

8. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe it was an internal conflict in your NGO that lead to the clash? (翻译:也许是你的 非政府组织内部斗争 导致了冲突)

9. At least 2 years or more relevant work experiences in NGOs or INGOs, experienced in outreach work preferable. (翻译:至少xx年在相关NGO或INGO工作的经验。优先考虑有外展工作经历者。)

10. There was none in place -- no tourist agent, no NGOs, nothing -- no eyewitnesses. (翻译:那儿什么都没有 — 没有旅行社,没有NGO,什么都没有, 没有目击者。)

11. - There's a kid at the NGO. (翻译:给我说 好 爱心社团有个孩子 爱心个屁啦 Spit it out! Good!)

12. The same NGO reported that guards at a labor camp stole food brought for inmates by their family members. (翻译:同样是这个NGO报告说,劳动营的卫兵偷犯人家属带给犯人的食物。)

13. So they wouldn't be provided thanks to the United States government and some NGO. (翻译:这样活动就不是 以美国政府和某个非政府组织的名义了,)

14. It's a protest against South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dinh Diem for his crack down on Buddhist. (翻译:这是一个抗议南越的领袖吴廷琰为他的打击的佛教徒。)

15. We have decades of experience with our NGOs and with our government entities, and there's an awkward reality. (翻译:我们花费了数xx年 从NGO以及政府部门中获取经验 可是事实结果却令人尴尬 )

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