ocean survey vessel是什么意思 ocean survey vessel的中文翻译、读音、例句

ocean survey vessel是什么意思 ocean survey vessel的中文翻译、读音、例句

ocean survey vessel的中文解释是"海洋测量船",作为名词时有"海洋测量船"的意思,单词读音音标为[oceansurveyvessel],ocean survey vessel在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到75个与ocean survey vessel相关的句子。

Ocean survey vessel的释义


例句:So why do you think Ocean just suddenly dumped me? (你说Ocean医生为什么 突然把我给甩了?)


ocean survey vessel一般作为名词使用,如在ocean vessel([经] 海船)、ocean survey([测 海洋] 海洋测量)、survey vessel(测量船)等常见短语中出现较多。

ocean vessel[经] 海船
ocean survey[测 海洋] 海洋测量
survey vessel测量船
ocean boarding vessel远洋交通船
ocean fishing vessel远洋渔船
ocean going vessel海轮
ocean range vessel海洋靶场船
ocean salvage vesselun. 海洋救助船\n[网络] 远洋救难船;远洋救助船
ocean station vessel大洋气象站船


1. His heart lies at the bottom of the ocean. (翻译:他的心在海洋深处呢 His heart lies at the bottom of the ocean.)

2. TED Prize,entertainment,music,ocean (翻译:TED Prize,entertainment,music,ocean)

3. ♪ And then sink back into the ocean ♪ (翻译:♪ And then sink back into the ocean ♪ 然后沉回海洋里)

4. ♪ you will find me waiting by the ocean floor, (翻译:♪ you will find me,waiting by the ocean floor)

5. The survey revealed that... (翻译:民意测验显示… )

6. The Southern Ocean, encircling Antarctica... (翻译:The Southern Ocean encircling Antarctica. 环绕南极洲的南大洋)

7. Somewhere beyond the ocean there is a land (翻译:Somewhere beyond the ocean there is a land)

8. Dr Steve Rintoul, the voyage leader, says the survey has revealed changes in the ocean around Antarctica. (翻译:航行负责人史帝夫说,考察显示出南极海域的改变。)

9. And Ocean and anybody else I recognize. (翻译:和其他我认识的人 And Ocean and anybody else I recognize.)

10. On the other side of the ocean. (翻译:在大洋的另一边 On the other side of the ocean.)

11. - That's my fault, I came over here. (翻译:错都在我 是我自己来的 Ocean医生不...)

12. animals,birds,collaboration,global issues,ocean,oceans,science (翻译:animals,birds,collaboration,global issues,ocean,oceans,science)

13. ♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪ (翻译:♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪ 沉回海洋里... ...)

14. the vessel is arranged above the framework, and a seed metering device is arranged at the bottom of the vessel. (翻译:容器设置在框架的上方,在容器的底部设有排种器。)

15. Sounds like it's got to be somebody's fault. (翻译:...的海洋中。of the ocean.)

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