oculus leporinus是什么意思 oculus leporinus的中文翻译、读音、例句

oculus leporinus是什么意思 oculus leporinus的中文翻译、读音、例句

oculus leporinus在中文中有"医"的意思,其中文解释还有"兔眼"的意思,读音为[oculusleporinus],oculus leporinus在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到88个与oculus leporinus相关的例句。

Oculus leporinus的释义


例句:I went even further by seeing if I could use a head-mounted display, the Oculus Rift, as modified by Fighting Walrus, to have an immersive experience controlling the drone. (甚至,我还尝试用 由Fighting Walrus改造的 一款头戴式显示器Oculus Rift 来获得驾驶无人驾驶飞机的 最全面体验。)


例句:Can you tell me if I purchased an Oculus Rift headset there? Or if I did. (你能告诉我 我是否在这里 买过一个虚拟视界头盔吗?)


oculus leporinus一般作为名词使用,如在leporinus([网络] 兔脂鲤属;兔鲑鲤)、oculus([医] 眼)、noctilio leporinus(牛头犬蝠)等常见短语中出现较多。

leporinus[网络] 兔脂鲤属;兔鲑鲤
oculus[医] 眼
noctilio leporinus牛头犬蝠
ecsenius oculus眼斑无须鳚;眼斑异齿鳚;狗鲦
oculus caesius[医] 青光眼
oculus dexter[医] 右眼
oculus dexters[医] 右眼\n(oculus dexter 的复数)
oculus duplex[医] 双眼绷带
oculus lacrimans[医] 泪眼, 泪溢


1. If enjoying Oculus in its youth, we suggest decanting prior to serving. (翻译:如果要在年份较浅时享用奥克拉斯干红,我们建议在上酒之前先“醒酒”。)

2. Stopping just long enough on the 26- foot- diameter oculus of the Pantheon to catch our breath . (翻译:在万神殿直径26英尺的天孔上停下休息刚够穿上口气来。)

3. As we walked to the center of the room, I looked up at the heavens through the oculus. (翻译:当我们走到房间的中央, 我通过眼洞窗仰望天堂。)

4. Oculus - pentacam and supersonic survey cornea thickness comparison (翻译:Oculus眼前段分析仪与超声测量角膜厚度的比较)

5. Well, we take that step by going to something called the Oculus Rift, which I'm sure many of you are also familiar with. (翻译:接下来 就是利用头戴式显示器, 相信你们大多数人对它也很熟悉。)

6. The Oculus Rift has been described as one of the most realistic virtual reality devices ever created, and that is not empty hype. (翻译:头戴式显示器被称为 目前制造出的效果最逼真 的虚拟显示设备 这并不是什么天花乱坠的炒作 )

7. The shaft of light beaming through the oculus was both beautiful and palpable, and I realized for the first time that light could be designed. (翻译:透过眼洞窗的光束 是美丽的,也是可感知的, 并且让我第一次意识到 光是可以被设计的。)

8. We've all been here from the beginning, taking turns on the Oculus Rift headset. (翻译:我们从一开始就都在这里 轮流戴虚拟视界头盔)

9. When extended mode isactive, rendering works as usual, with no Oculus intervention. (翻译:当扩展模式是激活的,渲染就照常工作不用人为干预。)

10. Uh, it looks like one of you is going to have to put on the Oculus headset and go into the virtual world and convince your friend to get to an access point. (翻译:你们需要有个人戴上虚拟视界头盔 进入虚拟世界 劝说你的朋友到接入点)

11. Right now you're actually in your room at your computer wearing an Oculus headset, but you're in a comalike trance, my friend. (翻译:事实上现在你正坐在 你房间的电脑前 戴着虚拟视界头盔 但你却陷于近似昏迷的恍惚中)

12. Butters, when did you call Oculus Rift customer service? (翻译:Butters 你是什么时候打 虚拟视界头盔的客服热线的?)

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