odontodactyluss是什么意思 odontodactyluss的中文翻译、读音、例句

odontodactyluss是什么意思 odontodactyluss的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Porch of the Cafe New York in Budapest, Hungary. Designed by the architects Bela Lajta and Odon Lechner in 1902. (布达佩斯的纽约咖啡馆,由欧登和贝拉一起设计。)


例句:The megalopa of S. serrata has dactyl lower margin on the fifth abdominal segment which is different from three other Scylla species. (花脚?大眼幼体在第五腹节具有指状下缘,与其他三种明显不同。)


例句:The USS McCampbell and USS Curtis are at sea preparing to help with at-sea search and rescue and recovery operations; they will be joined by the USS Mustin on Sunday. (美国驱逐舰麦康坎贝尔号和柯蒂斯号正在海上为帮助海上搜救和康复活动作准备;它们将在周日与马斯廷号开展联合行动。)


例句:Before a Romulan ship attacked the USS Kelvin. (翻译:那次也是罗慕兰人的战舰要攻击星舰Kelvin号)


1. The USS McCampbell and USS Curtis are at sea preparing to help with at-sea search and rescue and recovery operations; they will be joined by the USS Mustin on Sunday. (翻译:美国驱逐舰麦康坎贝尔号和柯蒂斯号正在海上为帮助海上搜救和康复活动作准备;它们将在周日与马斯廷号开展联合行动。)

2. Before a Romulan ship attacked the USS Kelvin. (翻译:那次也是罗慕兰人的战舰要攻击星舰Kelvin号)

3. We're deploying a SEAL team with USS Boxer and USS Halyburton as support. (翻译:我们在哈里伯顿号和拳师号航空母舰的帮助下部署海豹突击队)

4. They will be joined by the USS Mustin on Sunday. (翻译:它们将在周日与马斯廷号开展联合行动。)

5. Shuttle commander, you are clear from USS Enterprise... (翻译:飞行器操作员 你已与星舰企业号脱离...)

6. The USS Trieste in 1960 with two individuals. (翻译:xx年美国的 里雅斯特号带着两个人。)

7. Arthur used the barometer of the USS Eldridge to stop time and escape. (翻译:Arthur用Eldridge军舰的 气压计停止时间逃走了)

8. May I present you with the Mars exploration ship, The USS George W. Bush. (翻译:请允许我展示明日宇宙飞船 - - 美国战舰乔治.)

9. Dot-com bubble pops; presidential election snafu; USS Cole bombed. (翻译:点泡沫持久性有机污染物;总统选举混乱;科尔号被炸)

10. August 28, 1951 USS Monterey CVL-26 in the Gulf of Mexico on a training cruise. (翻译:xx年xx月xx日美国轻型航空母舰蒙特利号CVL-26在墨西哥海湾进行海上训练。)

11. Lexicographical has this great pattern: it's called a double dactyl. And just by saying double dactyl, I've sent the geek needle all the way into the red. (翻译:这个词有一种很棒的押韵, “扬抑抑格”。只要说到“扬抑抑格”, 古怪指数就可以飙升到红色警戒。)

12. Each night they fly Harrier jets off the USS Kearsarge, bound for Libya. U. (翻译:每天晚上,他们都驾驶鹞式喷气战斗机飞离军舰,前往利比亚。)

13. Specify the XPLINK binder option if binding in USS. (翻译:如果要在USS中进行绑定,那么必须指定XPLINK绑定器选项。)

14. This is the USS Franklin, sir. Can you believe it? (翻译:长官,这是富兰克林号星舰,是不是难以置信?)

15. And while you were well aware that I'm qualified... and desire to serve on the USS Enterprise, (翻译:我想您知道我是有资格... 而且也非常愿意在星舰企业号上服役的)



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