oil gas lamp是什么意思 oil gas lamp的中文翻译、读音、例句

oil gas lamp是什么意思 oil gas lamp的中文翻译、读音、例句

oil gas lamp在英语中代表"油气灯"的意思,还有油气灯的意思,发音是[oilgaslamp],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到13个与oil gas lamp相关的例句。

Oil gas lamp的中文翻译


例句:We keep oil and gas moving from the wellhead to the customer! (我们保证石油和天然气从井口源源不断流向客户! )


oil gas lamp一般作为名词使用,如在gas lamp([化] 煤气灯)、lamp oil([化] 灯油)、oil lamp(油灯)等常见短语中出现较多。

gas lamp[化] 煤气灯
lamp oil[化] 灯油
oil lamp油灯
gas oil[化] 瓦斯油
oil and gas[化] 油和煤气; 油和天然气
oil gas[化] 油气; 油煤气
gas arc lamp煤 气灯,充气弧光灯
gas conduction lamp[电] 气导弧灯
gas discharge lamp[电] 气体放电灯


1. The gas-oil contact is a transitional zone that goes from high oil saturation to high gas saturation with a thickness of up to several feet. (翻译:油气界面是从高含油饱和度至高含气饱和度的一个过渡带,其厚度达几英尺。)

2. The oil lamp sizzled softly. (翻译:油灯轻轻发出咝咝声。)

3. ♪ Fingertips covered in oil ♪ (翻译:♪ Fingertips covered in oil ♪)

4. Almost half of its territory is suitable for oil and gas exploration. (翻译:...它的一半土地都适于 勘探石油和天然气产地。)

5. Oil and gas companies use them for exploration and construction. (翻译:石油和天然气公司使用它们进行勘探 与建设。)

6. Pinghu oil and gas field is the first oil and gas field in East China Sea. (翻译:平湖油气田是东海海域第一个投入开发的油气田。)

7. If you wanted to read in 1875 at night, you needed to have an oil or a gas lamp. (翻译:在xx年,人们想在晚上读书的话, 需要煤油灯或者煤气灯。)

8. Palaeo-karst Research of the Carbonate Oil-gas Field and Its Application to Oil-Gas Exploration and Development (翻译:碳酸盐岩油气田古岩溶研究及其在油气勘探开发中的应用)

9. The Jienu Group has great potential for oil and gas. (翻译:接奴群是该区最有潜力的油气勘探目的层。)

10. With further exploration of oil-gas, more aim inure low-resistivity oil-gas formations attracts high attention. (翻译:随着新疆油气勘探开发工作的不断深入,不时出现的低电阻率油气层引起了人们的高度重视。)

11. Over millions of years, their remains were converted into oil and gas. (翻译:几百万年后 Over millions of years, 它们的残骸变成石油和天然气 their remains were converted into oil and gas.)

12. You designed a poison gas, Howard? (翻译:You designed a poison gas, Howard?)

13. Pfister Oil Gas. 100% family-owned. (翻译:菲斯特石油和天然气公司 百分之百的家族企业)

14. We are gong to an oil sheikdom. (翻译:We are gong to an oil sheikdom.)

15. Variety of other refined oil futures also distillate oil, unleaded petrol, gas oil, heating oil, fuel oil, light diesel oil. (翻译:其他成品油期货品种还有馏分油、无铅汽油、瓦斯油、取暖油、燃料油、轻柴油等。)

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