old nebula的中文解释是"宿翳",还经常被翻译为宿翳,发音音标为[oldnebula],old nebula在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到84个与old nebula相关的例句。
Old nebula的中文翻译
例句:If you like finding hidden pictures, get set to find a Coathanger, the North Amercican Nebula and Ring Nebula . (如果你想看些不是那么明显的画面,你可以用双筒望远镜看到狐狸座的星群,北美星云和环状星云。)
old nebula一般作为名词使用,如在nebula(星云 )、old(①旧的②老的 )、of old(古时的, 从前的, 很久以前的, 以往的, 从前, 很久前, 早就)等常见短语中出现较多。
nebula | 星云 |
old | ①旧的②老的 |
of old | 古时的, 从前的, 很久以前的, 以往的, 从前, 很久前, 早就 |
the old | 老人 |
diffuse nebula | 弥漫星云 |
double nebula | 双星云 |
Eagle Nebula | 天鹰星云 |
Dumbbell Nebula | 【天文学】(位于狐狸星座的)哑铃(状)星云 |
dust nebula | 尘埃星云 |
1. Distinctive cloud formations in the Carina Nebula. (翻译:船底座星系里独特的星云形状。)
2. Nebula, go to Xandar and get me the Orb. (翻译:纳布拉 去赞达尔星把宇宙灵球给我拿回来 Nebula, go to Xandar and get me the Orb.)
3. And if so, are you voting' for me in the next election? (翻译:Are you old enough to vote?)
4. A bit of mould is a pleiad of flowers, a nebula is an anthill of stars. (翻译:一粒霉菌是一簇美不胜收的花朵,一撮星云是无数天体的蚁聚。)
5. This old... this old mummy... (翻译:This old... this old mummy...)
6. The vast Cat's Paw Nebula in Scorpius. (翻译:天蝎座里巨大的猫爪星云。)
7. Waiting for the animals to die out, and the Old Ones to return. (翻译:and the Old Ones to return.)
8. So most people have no idea of the difference between an emission nebula and a planetary nebula. (翻译:大多数人都分不清 发射星云和环状星云之间的区别。)
9. It's,like, at least 100 years old. (翻译:at least 100 years old.)
10. – The words are old but always true. (翻译:– The words are old but always true.)
11. I don't like to think about it, old mate. (翻译:old mate. No joy there.)
12. An old trick from an old friend. (翻译:一个老朋友的老招数 An old trick from an old friend.)
13. This old mummy envies you. (翻译:This old mummy envies you.)
14. This is the Carina Nebula. (翻译:这是船底座星云 This is the Carina Nebula.)
15. They're not security cameras. (翻译:steal old newspapers? 哦... ...)