olecranon spur是什么意思 olecranon spur的中文翻译、读音、例句

olecranon spur是什么意思 olecranon spur的中文翻译、读音、例句

olecranon spur的中文解释是"医",作为名词时有"鹰嘴刺"的意思,在线发音:[olecranonspur],olecranon spur在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到68个与olecranon spur相关的例句。

Olecranon spur的翻译


例句:The great thing about Cosimo was... everything was spur of the moment. (关于科西莫的伟大的事情是... 一切都是临时起意。)


例句:Use the following list for spur-of-the-moment adventure seeds involving arcane spell casters. (在涉及奥术施法者的启发冒险时刻,使用下列清单。)


olecranon spur一般作为名词使用,如在olecranon(n. [解]鹰嘴( 指肘部的骨性隆起))、on the spur(火速地,飞快地)、spur on(鼓舞,鞭策,激励)等常见短语中出现较多。

olecranonn. [解]鹰嘴( 指肘部的骨性隆起)
on the spur火速地,飞快地
spur on鼓舞,鞭策,激励
fossa olecranon鹰嘴窝
olecranon bursae[医] 鹰嘴囊
olecranon fossa鹰嘴窝
olecranon process[医] 鹰嘴
olecranon processes鹰嘴
olecranon reflex[医] 鹰嘴反射


1. Paradoxically, voters' grumpiness may be a spur for radical change. (翻译:矛盾的是,选民的坏脾气可能激发根本的变革。)

2. Objective To investigate the clinical results of open reduction and internal fixation in the treatment of olecranon fractures. (翻译:目的探讨尺骨鹰嘴钢板内固定治疗尺骨鹰嘴骨折的疗效。)

3. This report could spur some buying in corn futures when the market opens today. (翻译:这份报告会在今天开市时刺激玉米期货的一些购买行为。)

4. Noel decided to marry Ryan on the spur of the moment. She felt regretful later. (翻译:诺埃尔在一时冲之下决定与赖安结婚,不久她便感到后悔了。)

5. Madeleine has decided to have a spur-of-the-moment trip to Orlando with her latest eHarmony catch. (翻译:Madeleine突然决定去奥兰多 就为了去见她eHarmony上新找的相亲对象)

6. Pick the spur, you're pickin' two years in one. (翻译:摘错了小枝, 就会影响明年收成 即是摘了未有机会生长的苹果)

7. Their attitude, rather than reining him back, only seemed to spur Philip on. (翻译:他们的态度非但没令菲利普回头,似乎只是激励他继续下去。)

8. If the timing's right, I'm ready to go out with a guy spur-of-the-moment. (翻译:如果时机合适,我会不假思索地跟一个男人出去。)

9. having a soud treating effect on tumors , arthritis , rheumatism , gouty, osteoporosis, bone spur and psoriasis. (翻译:对肿瘤、关节炎、痛风、骨质衰变、骨刺、牛皮癣等有良好疗效。)

10. Add the torn kaffir lime leaves and red spur chilli before turning off the heat. (翻译:在起锅前加入柠檬叶和小红辣椒。)

11. Avarice, the spur of industry — David Hume, Scotish philosopher. (翻译:贪婪是工业的马刺- - -戴维·休谟,苏格兰哲学家。)

12. Olecranon fractures are usually isolated injuries but they can also be found in polytrauma patients. (翻译:鹰嘴骨折通常为单重损伤,也可见于多重损伤患者。)

13. Well, it was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing. (翻译:我们只是一时兴起 Well, it was kind of a spur -of -the)

14. It's a third of a meter long, exactly the same length as the spur beneath the flower. (翻译:它长达三十多厘米 刚好和花朵的花距长度相同)

15. Spur of the moment, your dad ups and buys you a brand-new Challenger? (翻译:突然之间 你爸爸灵光一现 给你买了一辆全新的道奇挑战者?)

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