oligostilbene是什么意思 oligostilbene的中文翻译、读音、例句

oligostilbene是什么意思 oligostilbene的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Chronic sclerosing osteomyelitis (Barres Disease) is a kind of nonsupurative inflammation, the etiology of which is stil unknowm. (慢性硬化性骨髓炎为病因不清的非化脓性炎症。)


例句:She's Bene Gesserit, no matter what she said in there! (不管她在那里说了什么, 她都是班尼・纪瑟瑞)


1. I stil don't know what to ca them, they had to go together with the lines. (翻译:我仍然不知道该叫他们什么名字, 他们必须和台词一起出现.)

2. The people think he's Paul, don't they, Stil, this Preacher? (翻译:人们认为他是保罗,不是吗? 斯迪欧,这个传教士?)

3. I've been your doctor for 30 years, you stil hate the thermometer. (翻译:我当你的医生xx年了 你到现在还讨厌温度计)

4. It's rumored my mother has resumed her allegiance to the Bene Gesserit. (翻译:谣言说我母亲重新开始效忠 班尼・纪瑟瑞教会...)

5. A good ruler doesn't need to be a prophet, Stil, not eyen god-like. (翻译:一个好的统治者不需要是一个先知, 斯迪欧,没有绝对与神相称的)

6. Not to mention agents of the Spacing Guild, the Bene Gesserit... and the former imperial family. (翻译:不用提及空间行会的密探, 班尼・杰纪瑟瑞教会... 和前皇帝家族)

7. Criminal laws stipulate that detention de bene esse can apply to active criminal. (翻译:刑事诉讼法规定对现行犯可以适用先行拘留。)

8. So you just kinda have to, like, let go and go with it. (翻译:let go and go with it.)

9. She is Bene Gesserit no matter what she said in there. (翻译:不管她在那里说了什么, 她都是班尼・纪瑟瑞)

10. Thee light in the office is stil on. He forgot to turn it off. (翻译:办公室的灯还在亮着,它忘记关了。没有做关灯的动作。)

11. I am... was a Bene Gesserit... trained just as you were. (翻译:曾是班尼・纪瑟瑞... 训练的,就像你一样)

12. As well as we may think we know Oli, we don't really know him. (翻译:也许我们觉得我们了解欧利 但是我们并不真正了解他)

13. We got to go, we got to go. (翻译:We got to go, we got to go.)

14. Hey, Oli, it's Pax. Are you still with that chick? (翻译:嘿 欧利 我是 帕克斯 你还和那个女人在一起吗?)

15. Think I'd forgotten, Stil? (翻译:保守我们敌人的秘密 你以为我忘了? 斯迪欧)

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