martinezia是什么意思 martinezia的中文翻译、读音、例句

martinezia是什么意思 martinezia的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Eu, Hicks ? i mArtinez vom intra prin fa? (我 Hicks和Martinez负责前门)





1. And I could talk to Martinez for you, if... that would be helpful. (翻译:我也可以帮你向马丁内斯说好话 如果 能帮到你的话)

2. You just popped Amber Martinez. (翻译:你干掉的就是Amber Martinez You just popped Amber Martinez.)

3. This is Detective Martinez. (翻译:你好 Hello? 我是马丁内兹警探 This is Detective Martinez.)

4. Jo martinez, badge number 1183, (翻译:乔·马丁内兹 编号1183 Jo Martinez, badge number 1183,)

5. Max and Dr. Martinez, they might still be in there. (翻译:Max 和 Martinez 医生, 她们可能还在里面)

6. Miss Martinez, I owe you an apology. (翻译:在我很小的时候妈妈就去世了 只有我和爸爸相依为命)

7. - Jesus Martinez. He's in San Quentin. (翻译:- 是Jesus Martinez 现在关在圣昆廷监狱)

8. It's alright. What're you doing today, Martinez? (翻译:好吧,Martinez,你今天有做了什么吗?)

9. Roulet is using Martinez as the other guy in the bar? (翻译:Roulet利用Martinez作为酒吧的另一个人?)

10. Gonzales, Martinez, Sturgis, and Barker. (翻译:-冈萨雷斯 马丁尼兹 史都基跟 -巴克)

11. Marcus Martinez. Hi. I'm Wood Burns. (翻译:我是马库斯 马丁内斯 你好,我是伍德 伯恩斯)

12. Uh, detective martinez, right? (翻译:Yeah. Uh, detective Martinez, right?)

13. What I really care about is Henry Martinez. (翻译:杀了那个警长。我真的很在乎 大约是亨利・马丁内斯。)

14. We're friends of maria martinez. (翻译:我们是Maria Martinez的朋友)

15. Martinez, what if we point our thrusters in the same direction? (翻译:Martinez ,如果我们同向推进会怎样?)

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