例句:Oman stands ready to make efforts to push for continuous development of cooperative relations between all the GCC countries and China. (阿曼愿为推动海湾合作委员会各国与中国的合作关系不断发展而努力。)
1. The region of Oman was once known by its Sumerian name Magan. (翻译:阿曼地区曾经因美根的闪族人而闻名。)
2. The Sultanate of Oman occupies the corner of the Arabian Peninsula nearest India, and lies between Dubai and Yemen. (翻译:阿曼苏丹国位于离印度最近的阿拉伯半岛的一隅,处在迪拜和也门之间。)
3. About two weeks ago, Gonu, a tropical storm, hit Oman and the Sistan and Balouchestan province in Iran. (翻译:两周前,Gonu飓风袭击了阿曼和伊朗的Sistan及Balouchestan省。)
4. Oman is the world "s easternmost Arabian country." (翻译:阿曼是世界上最东面的阿拉伯国家。)
5. Once news from MIA's man in the field reached them that the weapons exchange would indeed take place, Admiral Roebuck ordered H. M. S. Chestier to patrol the Gulf of Oman. (翻译:一旦在现场的秘密情报局特工报告确认说武器交易即将开始,罗巴克上将就下令皇家海军切斯特号军舰驶入安曼湾巡逻。)
6. Phet reached its greatest intensity off the coast of Oman on June 3. (翻译:xx月xx日,“钻石”在阿曼沿海达到最大强度。)
7. This Invitation for Tenders is open to any contractor registered with the Tender Board of Oman as an Excellent Contractor. (翻译:此邀请标书的开放注册,任何承包商的投标委员会的阿曼是一个很好的承包者。)
8. Ergs are vast expanses of sand dunes like this area in Oman. (翻译:尔格是巨大的广阔的沙丘就像这样的地区在阿曼。)
9. Oman has an estimated population of 3 million. (翻译:阿曼大约有3百万人口。)
10. In Oman, two cyclones -- Gonu un 2007 and Phet last year -- totally buried in sand sites that date back to the fifth and sixth millennia B. C. (翻译:在也门,xx年的“Gonu un \“飓风和去年的Phet ”的飓风使得从这之前的到公元前十五到十六世纪的古址都埋在沙子底下了。)
11. Fahad said that China has a long history and splendid culture, while Oman has always upheld civilizations. (翻译:他说,中国具有悠久历史和灿烂文化,阿曼一向崇尚文明。)
12. The Sultanate of Oman occupies the corner of the Arabian Peninsula nearest India, and lies between Dubai and Yemen. (翻译:阿曼苏丹国位于离印度最近的阿拉伯半岛的一隅,处在迪拜和也门之间。)
13. Agence France-Prese reported that Phet caused 15 deaths in Oman and four more deaths in Pakistan. (翻译:法新社报道说“钻石”在阿曼造成15人死亡,在巴基斯坦死亡数字提高到19人。)
14. The Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO) needs to complete the replacement programme for its ageing Jaguar aircraft fleet, which was first introduced in the late 1970s. (翻译:阿曼皇家空军需要更换其老化的美洲虎战斗机,这批战斗机是上世纪xx年代引进的。)
15. Fahad said that China has a long history and splendid culture, while Oman has always upheld civilizations. (翻译:他说,中国具有悠久历史和灿烂文化,阿曼一向崇尚文明。)