on the sneak是什么意思 on the sneak的中文翻译、读音、例句

on the sneak是什么意思 on the sneak的中文翻译、读音、例句

on the sneak在中文中有"秘密地"的意思,还有偷偷地的意思,在线读音是[onthesneak],on the sneak是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到31个与on the sneak相关的例句。

On the sneak的中文翻译


例句:So this has nothing to do with that internship that you sneak off to? (所以这和你偷偷实习的事没一点关系? So this has nothing to do with that internship that you sneak off to?)


例句:They sneak in at night and I walk in this front door in the daytime, see. (他们在晚上溜进去 我却在白天大方地走进来)


on the sneak一般作为名词使用,如在sneak(偷偷摸摸地做事 )、sneak in(偷偷地走进\n[法] 潜行进入)、sneak into(潜入;混进;混入)等常见短语中出现较多。

sneak in偷偷地走进\n[法] 潜行进入
sneak into潜入;混进;混入
sneak on潜入
to sneak[网络] 潜入
quarterback sneak[橄榄球]四分卫跑或偷袭(指四分卫接到中锋传球立即冲入并列争球线中间的打法)
sneak a glance偷看一眼
sneak a look[网络] 看一眼还要暗中行动;偷看
sneak attack[法] 突然的袭击


1. Why sneak away like a thief? (翻译:为什么鬼鬼祟祟的... 像个贼一般溜走?)

2. Enid, she, uh... she used to sneak over the walls, spend time out there. (翻译:Enid她... Enid, she, uh... 她以前会溜出墙外 she used to sneak over the walls,)

3. You sneak out last night to do God knows what. (翻译:昨晚又不知道溜出去干什么好事 You sneak out last night to do God knows what.)

4. No sweat, we'll just sneak in. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}为什么不行? {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}Why not?)

5. So that's why I have to sneak in here... after everyone's asleep at night and sneak out undetected in the morning? (翻译:大家都睡熟了之后偷偷溜走 早晨就没人知道)

6. I managed to sneak a note to him. (翻译:我设法偷偷给他递了张条子。)

7. Hey, if I pretended to hit on you, could I distract you enough to sneak it away? (翻译:- Hey, if I pretended to hit on you, 我的美貌够不够让你分心 好让我把书偷走 could I distract you enough to sneak it away?)

8. So he can just sneak in, but we can't seem to sneak out? (翻译:所以他可以随意溜进来 们却溜不出去?)

9. But no pee, no sneak attacks, no dynamite, no Apache helicopters, (翻译:但是不准小便 不准偷袭 不准用炸药 不准用阿帕奇直升飞机)

10. Love," here is know sneak abbadie. (翻译:♪The whispers in the morning♪)

11. You could sneak in stealthy, or charge into. (翻译:你可以潜行进入,或者冲进去。)

12. It's in construction and I can sneak in. (翻译:或许我可以找个机会 神不知鬼不觉的溜进去)

13. It's not wise to sneak up on me, Agent Gibbs. (翻译:偷偷接近我可不是明智的做法 探员Gibbs)

14. And if that wasn't bad enough, Larry would sneak in drunk. (翻译:这一切真是糟透了 Larry经常会大醉之后 偷偷溜进病房)

15. The ones on the top and they sneak down and they eat everybody's pets. (翻译:一个个人前装逼 一转身就偷吃别人宠物的家伙!)

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