例句:We'll do a second line of resistance up there, on the hill, 200 meters away. (我们会进行第二轮反击... 就在那上边 山上 200米远的地方)
例句:I wanted to do the swim at 5,300 meters above sea level. (我想做的是在5300米的海平面上游泳。)
1. 319 meters and 294 meters in height, and the tallest twins in Japan! (翻译:标高分别为319米跟294米 是日本第一高的双塔大楼)
2. 40 meters down, 50 meters down, and between 50 and 60 meters, a second physiological response kicks in. (翻译:40米,50米 50米到60米之间, 我们迎来了生理上的第二个感受: )
3. Ruoergai altitude of 3300 meters to 3600 meters, also known as the Songpan plateau. (翻译:若尔盖海拔高度在3300米至3600米之间,也被称为松潘高原。)
4. So, why do I stop being ludicrous if I jump 61 meters? (翻译:那为什么非得跳到 61米人们才会不觉得可笑)
5. And at 30 meters: deliverance. (翻译:到了30米处,终于,解放啦 我不再是一个人 )
6. You know the room is a rectangle 49 meters wide and 78 meters long. (翻译:你知道这个大堂是一个 49米宽78米长的长方形。)
7. To see 71 meters it was like... (翻译:但是 我当时看到71米的成绩 我也没想到我当时怎么就)
8. They say he can target from 2000 meters or more. (翻译:他们说他能锁定方圆2000米或更多 They say he can target from 2000 meters or more.)
9. Twelve metres longer than standard, three metres wider. (翻译:比同类台风级潜艇长十二米 宽三米 12 meters longer than standard Typhoon. 3 meters wider. -舰长叫雷米斯)
10. Ten meters going down east of the ridge. (翻译:山脊东边下去十米 Ten meters going by the eastern Ridge.)
11. Two hundred meters, 80 meters, 60, 40, 20, 17 meters. (翻译:200 米, 80 米, 60,40,20,17 米…… )
12. To do that, we need to fly remotely-operated vehicles about five meters off the seafloor. (翻译:为了使图像更清晰, 我们要操纵遥控的深潜器, 到距离海底5米左右的深处。)
13. It is guyed at two levels, 18 meters and 34 meters, leaving 8 meters freestanding atop the tower. (翻译:它有两层拉线,分别是18米和34米,靠近顶部8米处不用拉线。)
14. We will process around 2,000 meters of cloth in a day. (翻译:我们一天可以加工大约两千米的布 We will process around 2,000 meters of cloth in a day.)
15. 20 meters, 10 meters, my lungs slowly return to their normal volume. (翻译:20米,10米 我的肺又慢慢的恢复了正常容量 )