orange sodas是什么意思 orange sodas的中文翻译、读音、例句

orange sodas是什么意思 orange sodas的中文翻译、读音、例句

orange sodas的意思是"桔子汽水",还有橙汁汽水的意思,发音是[orangesodas],orange sodas是一个英语名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到20个与orange sodas相关的句子。

Orange sodas的翻译


例句:♪ And when I die ♪ ♪ Won't you bury me ♪ ♪ In the parkin' lot ♪ (alyunfei、Miss Orange)


例句:You know, sneaking sodas, ray the orderly... (我是承诺过 我只是在欺骗自己 记得吗 我家里还有小孩子呢)


orange sodas一般作为名词使用,如在sodas(n. 苏打( soda的复数形式 ); 碱; 苏打水; 汽水)、sal sodas(sal soda\n【化学】碳酸钠,苏打 ( = sodium carbonate))、scotch and sodas(n. 加苏打的威士忌)等常见短语中出现较多。

sodasn. 苏打( soda的复数形式 ); 碱; 苏打水; 汽水
sal sodassal soda\n【化学】碳酸钠,苏打 ( = sodium carbonate)
scotch and sodasn. 加苏打的威士忌
washing sodas[化工] 洗涤碱;碳酸钠
diethylaniline orange[化] 乙基橙
duranol orange杜南醇橙
ethyl orange[化] 乙基橙\n[医] 乙橙
flame orange火焰橙色


1. Be forewarned, the orange juice has vodka in it. (翻译:对了 橙汁里加了伏特加 Be forewarned, the orange juice has vodka in it.)

2. More like a sunset kind of orange. (翻译:More like a sunset kind of orange.)

3. They only give sodas to low-income people. (翻译:他们只把苏打水给低收入的人 What? They only give sodas to low -income people.)

4. So the bright orange jumpsuit actually disguises her. (翻译:所以明亮的橙色监狱服实际上是个好掩护 So the bright orange jumpsuit actually disguises her.)

5. Red, orange, yellow, green. (翻译:- Red, orange, yellow, green.)

6. Out of nowhere, Orange breaks ahead of the pack, and now, in the backstretch, Orange and Green. (翻译:橘色骑手悄无声息地杀将而出 现在在直道上,橘色和绿色)

7. If anyone steps on the orange line... (翻译:不要再过来了 超过黄线的话... 要开枪就开吧 你们这混蛋)

8. And Jayson thinks of sodas as cigarettes. (翻译:而杰森认为苏打饮料就像香烟一样。)

9. Well, orange you the new black? (翻译:所以 你也要参演女子监狱了吗? Well, orange you the new black?)

10. Great Orange blossom ice cream. (翻译:You know what they have here? 大号橙子花味的冰淇淋 Great Orange blossom ice cream.)

11. Liven up the orange juice! (翻译:Liven up the orange juice!)

12. The BB unit, orange and white. (翻译:BB元件机器人 橙白相间 独一无二 The BB unit, orange and white.)

13. Your baby's sweat is orange, your sweat is orange. Haven't you noticed? (翻译:你宝宝的汗液是橙色 你的也是 没发现吧?)

14. Orange will be conducting live testing of the gadget on site at the Glastonbury Festival this weekend. (翻译:Orange公司将会在本周开幕的格拉斯顿伯里音乐节上进行现场测试。)

I gotta keep my liquor license. (翻译:孩子喝汽水 不好意思 我还得保住我供应酒的牌照)


orange sodas作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、orange、soda/1、s等。

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